Afe, O.T. and Richter, A. and Sierk, B. and Wittrock, F. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) BrO Emission from Volcanoes - a Survey using GOME and SCIAMACHY Measurements. Geophys. Res.Lett., 31 .
Aikin, A.C. and Grebowsky, J.M. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Satellite measurements of the atmospheric content of metallic ion and neutral species. Advances in Space Research, 33 . pp. 1481-1485.
Amekudzi, L.K. and Bracher, A. and Meyer, J. and Rozanov, A. and Sinnhuber, M. and SCIAMACHY-Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Lunar occultation with SCIAMACHY; First results. In: 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, COSPAR04-A-01973.
Amekudzi, L.K. and Meyer, J. and Rozanov, A. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Retrieval of Stratospheric Number Density Profiles from SCIAMACHY Lunar Occultation Validation Results. In: 1st French/German summer school on Aerosols heterogeneous Chemistry and Climate.
Amekudzi, L.K. and Meyer, J. and Rozanov, A. and Hoffmann, B. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Occultation measurements with SCIAMACHY; First results and validation. In: 68th conference of Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschsft (DPG).
Amekudzi, L.K. and Meyer, J. and Rozanov, A. and Hoffmann, B. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) SCIAMACHY occultation measurements; First Results. In: European Geosciences Union (EGU) 1st General Assembly, EGU04-A-04014.
Andrés-Hernández, M.D. and Reichert, L. and Moto-Ros, V. and Rairoux, P. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Spectral characterisation of water vapour for DIAL measurements Using Fourier Transform and CavIty Ring DOwN Spectroscopy: SOLUTION. Project Report. ESA-ESTEC. (Unpublished)
Barimah, E.K. and Richter, A. and Sierk, B. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Deriving an ocean colour product from measurements of the GOME and SCIAMACHY instruments. In: DPG Frühjahrstagung, March 2004.
Barrie, L.A. and Langen, J. and Borrell, P. and Boucher, O. and Burrows, J.P. and Camy-Peyret, C. and Fishman, J. and Goede, A. and Granier, C. and Hilsenrath, E. and Hinsman, D. and Kelder, H. and Mohnen, V. and Ogawa, T. and Peter, T. and Simon, P. and Whung, P.Y. and Volz-Thomas, A. (2004) IGACO - The Changing Atmosphere - An Integrated Global Atmospheric Chemistry Observation Theme for the IGOS Partnership. Project Report. ESA Publication. (Unpublished)
Bovensmann, H. and Buchwitz, M. and Frerick, J. and Hoogeveen, R. and Kleipool, Q. and Lichtenberg, G. and Noël, S. and Richter, A. and Rozanov, A. and Rozanov, V. and Skupin, J. and VonSavigny, C. and Wuttke, M.W. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT: In-flight optical performance and first results. In: Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere VIII Proc. of SPIE.
Bovensmann, H. and Eichmann, K.U. and Noël, S. and Flaud, J.M. and Orphal, J. and Monks, P.S. and Corlett, G.K. and Goede, A.P. and VonClarmann, T. and Steck, T. and Rozanov, V. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) The geostationary scanning imaging absorption spectrometer (GeoSCIA) as part of the geostationary tropospheric pollution explorer (GeoTROPE) missions: requirements concepts and capabilities. Advances in Space Research, 34 . pp. 694-699.
Bovensmann, H. and Eichmann, K.U. and Noel, S. and Flaud, J.M. and Orphal, J. and Monks, P.S. and Corlett, G.K. and Goede, A.P. and von Clarmann, T. and Steck, T. and Rozanov, V. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) GeoSCIA - The Geostationary Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer as part of the geostationary tropospheric pollution explorer (GeoTROPE) mission: requirements, concepts and capabilities. TRACE CONSTITUENTS IN THE TROPOSPHERE AND LOWER STRATOSPHERE , Vol. 3 (Issue ). pp. 694-699. (Submitted)
Bracher, A. and Bramstedt, K. and Richter, A. and Sinnhuber, M. and Weber, M. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Validation of GOMOS (GOPR 6.0a) and SCIAMACHY (v5.1/2.1) O3 and NO2 products with GOME (v3.0). ESA Publications Division, 3-7 May 2004, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, SP-562, pp. 397405.
Bracher, A. and Bramstedt, K. and Sinnhuber, M. and Weber, M. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Validation of MIPAS O3. ESA Publications Division, 3-7 May 2004, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, SP-562, pp. 313-319.
Bracher, A. and Burkert, J. and Sinnhuber, B.M. (2004) Validierung von ENVISAT Spurengas-verteilungen durch Vergleich mit GOME/ERS-2 und anderen Satelliteninstrumenten und Prozeßstudie zur Tag-Nacht Variation und Dämmerungschemie von Stick- und Halogenoxiden in der unteren und mittleren Stratosphäre. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Bracher, A. and Eichmann, K.U. and VonSavigny, C. and Weber, M. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Ozone distributions in the Arctic winter/spring 2002/2003 as measured by the Three atmospheric ENVISAT instruments GOMOS, MIPAS and SCIAMACHY. In: Proceedings of the 20th Quadrennial Ozone Symposium; Zerefos C. S. (ed.).
Bracher, A. and Sinnhuber, M. and Rozanov, A. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) NO2 Modelling used for the comparison of NO2 Satellite measurements at different solar zenith angles. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion, 4 . pp. 5515-5548.
Bracher, A. and Weber, M. and Bramstedt, K. and Tellmann, S. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Long-term global measurements of ozone profiles by GOME validated with SAGE II considering atmospheric dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109 .
Bramstedt, K. and Richter, A. and VanRoozendael, M. and DeSmedt, I. (2004) Comparisons of SCIAMACHY sulfur dioxide observations. In: 2. Workshop on the Atmos. Chem. Validation of ENVISAT (ACVE-2), 3. - 7. May. 2004, Frascati, Italy.
Brinksma, E.J. and Piters, A. and Boyd, I.S. and Parrish, A. and Bracher, A. and VonSavigny, C. and Bramstedt, K. and Sinnhuber, M. and Taha, G. and Hilsenrath, E. and Blumenstock, T. and Kopp, G. and Meijer, Y.J. and Swart, D.P.J. and Bodeker, G.E. and McDermid, I.S. and Leblanc, T. (2004) SCIAMACHY Ozone Profile Validation. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on the Atmospheric Chemistry Validation of ENVISAT (ACVE-2); Danesy D. (ed.).
Bruns, M. and Bühler, S. and Burrows, J.P. and Heue, K.P. and Platt, U. and Pundt, I. and Richter, A. and Rozanov, A. and Wagner, T. and Wang, P. (2004) Retrieval of Profile Information from Airborne Multi Axis UV/visible Skylight Absorption Measurements. Applied Optics, 43(22) . pp. 4415-4426.
Buchwitz, M. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Retrieval of CH4, CO, and CO2 total column amounts from SCIAMACHY near-infrared nadir spectra: Retrieval algorithm and first results. In: Proceedings of SPIE 5235.
Buchwitz, M. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Retrieval of CH4, CO, and CO2 total column amounts from SCIAMACHY near-infrared nadir spectra: Retrieval algorithm and first results. In: Proceedings of SPIE: 10th International Symposium: Remote Sensing: Conference 5235: Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere VIII.
Buchwitz, M. and DeBeek, R. and Bramstedt, K. and Noël, S. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Global carbon monoxide as retrieved from SCIAMACHY by WFM-DOS. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 4 . pp. 1954-1960.
Buchwitz, M. and DeBeek, R. and Noël, S. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Retrieval of CO, H2O, CH4, CO2, and N2O columns from SCIAMACHY/ENVISAT by WFM-DOAS: Current status. Special publication ESA SP-572 (CD-ROM) from ESA publications division.
Buchwitz, M. and Noël, S. and Bramstedt, K. and Rozanov, V.V. and Bovensmann, H. and Tsvetkova, S. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Retrieval of trace gas vertical columns from SCIAMACHY/ENVISAT near-infrared nadir spectra: First preliminary results. Advances in Space Research, 34 . pp. 809-814.
Burrows, J.P. (2004) Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate Report on the 11th Session of the SPARC Scientific Steering Group. Technical Report. SPARC/WMO.
Burrows, J.P. and Bovensmann, H. and Bergametti, G. and Flaud, J.M. and Orphal, J. and Noël, S. and Monks, P.S. and Corlett, G.K. and Goede, A.P. and VonClarmann, T. and Steck, T. and Fischer, H. and Friedl-Vallon, F. (2004) The geostationary tropospheric pollution explorer (GeoTROPE) missions: objects requirements and mission concept. Advances in Space Research, 34 . pp. 682-687.
Camy-Peyret, C. and Payan, S. and Dufour, G. and Oelhaf, H. and Wetzel, G. and Stiller, G. and Blumenstock, T. and Blom, C. and Engel, A. and Pirre, M. and Moreau, G. and Catoire, V. and Bracher, A. and Weber, M. and Bramstedt, K. (2004) Validation of MIPAS CH4 profiles by stratospheric baloon. ESA Publications Division, 3-7 May 2004, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy (ESA SP-562), Nordwijk, The Netherlands, SP562, pp. 257-262.
Chlebek, C. and Noël, S. and Skupin, J. (2004) SCIAMACHY instrument status. In: Proc. Second Workshop on the Atmospheric Chemistry Validation of ENVISAT (ACVE-2)/Frascati/Italy. ESA.
Coldewey-Egbers, M. and Weber, M. and Buchwitz, M. and Burrows, J. P. (2004) Application of a modified DOAS method for total ozone retrieval from GOME data at high polar latitudes. Adv. Space Res., 34 . pp. 749-753.
DeBeek, R. and Buchwitz, M. and Rozanov, V.V. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Trace gas column retrieval from IR nadir spectra - a model study for SCIAMACHY. Advances in Space Research, 34 . pp. 734-738.
DeBeek, R. and Weber, M. and Rozanov, V.V. and Rozanov, A. and Richter, A. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Trace gas column retrieval - An error study for GOME2. Advances in Space Research, 34 . pp. 727-733.
DeMaziere, M. and Barret, B. and Blumenstock, T. and Buchwitz, M. and DeBeek, R. and Demoulin, P. and Fast, H. and Gloudemans, A. and Griesfeller, A. and Griffith, D. and Ionov, D. and Janssens, K. and Jones, N. and Mahieu, E. and Melleqvist, J. and Mittermeier, R.L. and Notholt, J. and Rinsland, C. and Schrijver, H. and Schultz, A. and Smale, D. and Strandberg, A. and Strong, K. and Sussmann, R. and Warneke, T. and Wood, S. (2004) Comparison between SCIAMACHY scientific products and ground-based FTIR data for total columns of CO, CH4, and N2O. In: Proceedings of Second Workshop on the Atmospheric Chemistry Validation of ENVISAT (ACVE-2).
DeMaziere, M. and Coosemans, T. and Barret, B. and Blumenstock, T. and Demoulin, P. and Fast, H. and Griffith, D. and Jones, N. and Mathieu, E. and Mellqvist, J. and Mittermeier, R. and Notholt, J. and Rinsland, C. and Schulz, A. and Smale, D. and Strandberg, A. and Sussmann, R. and Wood, S. and Buchwitz, M. (2004) Validation of ENVISAT-1 Level-2 products related to lower atmosphere O3 and NOy chemistry by an FTIR quasi-global network. ESA Publication Division as Special Publication SP-531 (on CD-ROM), Italy, 9-13 December 2002.
Eichmann, K.U. and Kaiser, J.W. and von Savigny, C. and Rozanov, A. and Rozanov, V.V. and Bovensmann, H. and von König, M. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) SCIAMACHY Limb Measurements in the UV/Vis spectral region: First results. Advances in Space Research, 34 (4). pp. 775-779. ISSN 0273-1177
Fietkau, S. and Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, A. and Medeke, T. and Oetjen, H. and Richter, A. and Sheode, N. and Sinnhuber, B.M. and Wittrock, F. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) BrO measurements in Nairobi (1°S, 36°E) with the multi-axis DOAS method. In: EGU meeting, April 2004.
Fleischmann, O.C. and Hartmann, M. and Orphal, J. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) New ultraviolet absorption cross sections of BrO at atmospheric temperatures measured by time-windowing Fourier-transform spectroscopy. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 168 . pp. 117-132.
Fleischmann, O.C. and Meyer-Arnek, J. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) The visible absorption spectrum of OBrO, investigated by Fourier transform spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. A, 109 . pp. 5093-5103.
Fournier, N. and Stammes, P. and Acarreta, J.R. and Eskes, H. and Piters, A. and Hess, M. and von Bargen, A. and Kokhanovsky, A. and Grzegorski, M. (2004) SCIAMACHY Cloud Product Validation. In: Second Workshop an Atmospheric Chemistry Validation an ENVISAT (ACVE-2), 3-7.5.2004, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.
Gloudemans, A.M.S. and Schrijver, H. and Straume, A.G. and Aben, I. and Maurellis, A.N. and Buchwitz, M. and DeBeek, R. and Frankenberg, C. and Wagner, T. and Meirink, J.F. (2004) CH4 and CO total columns from SCIAMACHY: Comparisons with TM3 and MOPITT. In: Proceedings of Second Workshop on the Atmospheric Chemistry Validation of ENVISAT (ACVE-2).
Goldstein, A.H. and McKay, M. and Kurpius, M.R. and Schade, G.W. and Lee, A. and Holzinger, R. and Rasmussen, R.A. (2004) Forest thinning experiment confirms ozone deposition to forest canopy is dominated by reaction with biogenic VOCs. Geophysical Res. Lett., 31 . L22106.
Gomez-Martin, J.C. and Spietz, P. and Orphal, J. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Principal and independent components analysis of overlapping spectra in the context of multi-channel time-resolved absorption spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 60 . pp. 2673-2693.
Gurlit, W. and Gerilowski, K. and Giesemann, C. and Ebert, V. and Zimmermann, R. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Validation of SCIAMACHY water vapor and methane profiles by Balloonborne in-situ measurements with the CHILD spectrometer onboard TRIPLE (high latitude campaigns). In: 16th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research.
Hilsenrath, E. and Bojkov, B. and Labow, G. and Bracher, A. (2004) SCIAMACHY Column Ozone Validation. ESA Publications Division, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, SP-562, pp. 47-50.
Jackman, C.H. and Deland, M.T. and Labow, G.J. and Fleming, E.L. and Weisenstein, D.K. and Ko, M.K.W. and Sinnhuber, M. and Anderson, J. and Russell, J.M. (2004) The influence of very large Solar Proton Events in the Years 2000-2003 on the Neutral Middle Atmosphere. In: Proceedings to the COSPAR.
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Kaiser, J.W. and Eichmann, K.U. and Noël, S. and Wuttke, M.W. and Skupin, J. and VonSavigny, C. and Rozanov, A.V. and Rozanov, V.V. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) SCIAMACHY limb spectra. Advances in Space Research, 34/4 . pp. 715-720.
Kaiser, J.W. and von Savigny, C. and Eichmann, K.U. and Noël, S. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Satellite Pointing Retrieval from Atmospheric Limb Scattering of Solar UV-B Radiation. Can. J. Phys., 82 (12). pp. 1041-1052.
Kaleschke, L. and Richter, A. and Burrows, J.P. and Afe, O. and Heygster, G. and Notholt, J.D. and Rankin, A.M. and Roscoe, H.K. and Hollwedel, J. and Wagner, T. and Jacobi, H.W. (2004) Frost flowers on sea ice as a source of sea salt and their influence on tropospheric halogen chemistry. Geophysical Research Letter, 31 .
Kaleschke, Lars and Heygster, Georg (2004) Towards multi-sensor microwave remote sensing of frost flowers on sea ice. Annals of Glaciology, 39 . pp. 219-222. ISSN 0260-3055
Kelder, H. and Piters, A. and Timmermans, R. and Bramstedt, K. and Lambert, J.C. (2004) Sciamachy Validation Summary. In: 2. Workshop on the Atmos. Chem. Validation of ENVISAT (ACVE-2), 3.-7. May. 2004, Frascati, Italy.
Kerridge, B.J. and Goutail, F. and Bazureau, A. and Wang, D.Y. and Bracher, A. and Weber, M. and Bramstedt, K. and Siddans, R. and Latter, B.G. and Reburn, W.J. and Jay, V.L. and Dethof, A. and Payne, V.H. (2004) MIPAS Ozone Validation by satellite intercomparisons. ESA Publications Division, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, SP-562, pp. 170-179.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. (2004) The Depth of Sunlight Penetration in Cloud Fields for Remote Sensing. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 1/4 . pp. 242-245.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. (2004) Optical properties of terrestrial clouds. EarthScience Reviews, 64 . pp. 189-241.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. (2004) Reflection of light from nonabsorbing semi-infinite cloudy media: a simple approximation. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 85 . pp. 25-33.
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Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Nikolaeva, O.N. and Bass, L.P. and Germogenova, T.A. and Kuznetsov, V.S. and Mayer, B. (2004) Studies of the 3D Radiative Transport in a Cloudy Atmospherewith Cloud Breaks Using the Raduga Code. European Geosciences Union/Geophysical Research Abstracts, 00701 .
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Rozanov, V. (2004) The physical parameterization of the top-ofatmosphere reflection function for a cloudy atmosphere - underlying surface system: the oxygen A-band study. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 85 . pp. 35-55.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Rozanov, V.V. (2004) Simple approximate solutions of the radiative transfer equation for a cloudy atmosphere. In: Proc. Of SPIE 5571/Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Rozanov, V.V. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Cloud Altitudes as derved from SCIAMACHY Measurements in the Oxygen A-Band. European Geosciences Union/Geophysical Research Abstracts, 00692 .
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Rozanov, V.V. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) The Semi-Analytical Cloud Retrieval Algorithm and its Application to Satellite Data. In: 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly/Atmospheric Remote Sensing: Earth's Surface and Troposphere and Stratosphere and Mesosphere.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Rozanov, V.V. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. and Baltink, H.K. (2004) The determination of cloud altitudes using SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, 1/3 . pp. 211-214.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. (2004) The optical properties of a hurricane. Atmos. Res., 69 . pp. 165-183.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) The determination of the atmospheric optical thickness over Western Europe using SeaWiFS imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, 42/4 . pp. 824-832.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) The determination of the aerosol optical thickness from space. In: Proc. of the International Symposium on the Atmospheric Radiation.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Zege, E.P. (2004) Optical Properties of Snow. European Geosciences Union/Geophysical Research Abstracts, 00693 .
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Zege, E.P. (2004) Scattering optics of snow. Applied Optics, 43 . pp. 1589-1602.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Zege, E.P. (2004) Spectral brightness of snow. In: Proc. of the International Symposium on the Atmospheric Radiation.
Kuehl, S. and Doernbrack, A. and Wilms-Grabe, W. and Sinnhuber, B.M. and Platt, U. and Wagner, T. (2004) Observational evidence of rapid chlorine activation by mountain waves above Northern Scandinavia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 109 .
Kunhikrishnan, T. and Lawrence, M.G. (2004) Sensitivity of Nox over the Indian Ocean to emissions from the surrounding continents: nonlinearities in atmospheric chemistry responses. Geophysical Research Letter, 31 .
Kunhikrishnan, T. and Lawrence, M.G. and VonKuhlmann, R. and Richter, A. and Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, A. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Analysis of Tropospheric NOx Over Asia Using the Model of Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry (MATCH-MPIC) and GOME-Satellite Observations. Atmospheric Environment, 38 . pp. 581-596.
Kunhikrishnan, T. and Lawrence, M.G. and VonKuhlmann, R. and Richter, A. and Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, A. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Semi-annual NO2 Plumes during the Monsoon Transition Periods over Central Indian Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 31 .
Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, A. and Meyer-Arnek, J. and Richter, A. and Wittrock, F. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Tropospheric O3 over Indonesia during biomass burning events measured with GOME and compared with trajectory analysis. In: 8th IGAC conference, September 2004.
Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, A. and Meyer-Arnek, J. and Schlemm, A. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) Influence of stratospheric airmasses on tropospheric vertical O3 columns based on GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) measurements and backtrajectory calculation over the Pacific. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4 . pp. 903-909.
Lambert, J.C. and Granville, J. and Blumenstock, T. and Boersma, F. and Bracher, A. and DeMaziere, M. and Demoulin, P. and DeSmedt, I. and Eskes, H. and Gil, M. and Goutail, F. and Hendrick, F. and Ionov, D.V. and Johnston, P.V. and Kostadinov, I. and Kreher, K. and Kyrö, E. and Martin, R. and Meier, A. and NavarroComas, M. and Petritoli, A. and Pommereau, J.P. and Richter, A. and Roscoe, H.K. and Sioris, C. and Sussmann, R. and VanRoozendael, M. and Wagner, T. and Wood, S. (2004) Geophysical validation of SCIAMACHY NO2 vertical columns: overview of early 2004 results. ESA Publications Division, ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, SP-562, pp. 59-71.
Lamsal, L. N. and Weber, M. and Tellmann, S. and Burrows, J. P. (2004) Ozone column classified climatology of ozone and temperature profiles based on ozonesonde and satellite data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 109 . D20304.
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McKinney, K. A. and Wennberg, P. O. and Dhaniyala, S. and Fahey, D. W. and Northway, M. J. and Künzi, K. F. and Kleinböhl, A. and Sinnhuber, M. and Küllmann, H. and Bremer, H. and Mahoney, M. J. and Bui, T. P. (2004) Trajectory studies of large HNO3-containing PSC particles in the Arctic: Evidence for the role of NAT. Geophysical Research Letters, 31 (5). n/a-n/a. ISSN 00948276
Meyer, J. and Schlesier, A. and Rozanov, A. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J. (2004) Towards O3 and NO2 vertical profile retrieval from SCIAMACHY solar occultation measurements: first results. Advances in Space Research, 34 . pp. 744-748.
Nikolaeva, O.V. and Bass, L.P. and Germogenova, T.A. and Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Kuznetsov, V.S. (2004) The influence of the solar zenith angle and the ground albedo on the reflection function of atmosphere close to the edge of a cloud. In: Proc. of the International Symposium on the Atmospheric Radiation.
Noël, S. (2004) Determination of Correction Factors for SCIAMACHY Radiances and Irradiances. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Noël, S. and Bovensmann, H. and Skupin, J. and Wuttke, M.W. and Burrows, J.P. and Gottwald, M. and Krieg, E. (2004) SCIAMACHY Long-Term Monitoring Results. In: Proc. ENVISAT Symposium 6.-10. Sep. 2005, Salzburg, Austria. ESA.
Noël, S. and Buchwitz, M. and Burrows, J.P. (2004) First retrieval of global water vapour column amounts from SCIAMACHY measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4 . pp. 111-125.
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