Amekudzi, L.K. and Bramstedt, K. and Rozanov, A. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Retrieval of Trace Gas Concentrations from Lunar Occultation Measurements with SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT. In: New Horizons in Occultation Research. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 87-96. ISBN 978-3-642-00321-9
Andrés-Hernández, M.D. and Kartal, D. and Reichert, L. and Burrows, J.P. and Arnek, J.M. and Lichtenstern, M. and Stock, P. and Schlager, H. (2009) Peroxy radical observations over West Africa during AMMA 2006: photochemical activity in the outflow of convective systems. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 . pp. 3681-3695.
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Azam, F. and Bramstedt, K. and Bovensmann, H. and Rozanov, A. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Water Vapor Profiles from SCIAMACHY lunar occultation measurements. In: ESA Atmospheric Science Conference , 7-11 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
Azam, F. and Bramstedt, K. and Rozanov, A. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) SCIAMACHY LUNAR OCCULTATION WATER VAPOR MEASUREMENTS: FIRST RETRIEVAL RESULTS. In: Atmospheric Science Conference 2009, SP-676, 7-11 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
Azam, F. and Bramstedt, K. and Rozanov, A. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Water vapor profiles from SCIAMACHY lunar occultation measurements. In: Cargese International School COST ACTION ES0604: WATER VAPOUR IN THE CLIMATE SYSTEM, 14 - 26 September 2009, Cargese, Corsica (France).
Bass, L.P. and Germogenova, T.A. and Nikolaeva, O.V. and Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Kuznetsov, V.S. (2009) Numerical simullation of boundary effects in aerosol and cloud optics. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 22 . pp. 102-107.
Bass, L.P. and Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Kuznetsov, V.S. and Nikolaeva, O.V. (2009) The simplified quasi-1D model for the calculation of brightness coefficient in cloud-aerosol layers with local horizontal inhomogeneities. In: Proceedings of the International Radiation Symposium.
Baumgarten, G. and Fiedler, J. and Fricke, K.H. and Gerding, M. and Hervig, M. and Hoffmann, P. and Müller, N. and Pautet, P.D. and Rapp, M. and Robert, C. and Rusch, D. and von Savigny, C. and Singer, W. (2009) The noctilucent cloud (NLC) display during the ECOMA/MASS sounding rocket flights on August 3, 2007: Morphology on global to local scales. Ann. Geophys., 27 . pp. 953-965.
Begoin, M. and Richter, A. and Kirk, H. and Stohl, A. and Kaleschke, L. and Tian-Kunze, X. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Bromine oxide in the polar boundary layer: Analysis of long-range transport processes. In: EGU – General Assembly 2009, 20-24 April 2009, Vienna, Austria.
Bierwirth, E. and Wendisch, M. and Ehrlich, A. and Heese, B. and Tesche, M. and Althausen, D. and Schladitz, A. and Mäuller, D. and Otto, S. and Trautmann, T. and Dinter, T. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Kahn, R. (2009) Spectral surface albedo over Morocco and its impact on the radiative forcing of saharan dust. Tellus B, 61 . pp. 252-269.
Bovensmann, H. and et al., n.a. (2009) Development of SCIAMACHY operational ESA Level 2 Products towards Version 5 and beyond. In: Proceedings of the Atmospheric Science Conference.
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Bracher, A. and Vountas, M. and Dinter, T. and Burrows, J.P. and Röttgers, R. and Peeken, I. (2009) Quantitative observation of cyanobacteria and diatoms from space using PhytoDOAS on SCIAMACHY data. Biogeosciences, 6 . pp. 751-764.
Bramstedt, K. and Amekudzi, L.K. and Rozanov, A. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) SCIAMACHY Solar Occultation: Ozone and NO2 Profiles 2002–2007. In: New Horizons in Occultation Research. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 79-86. ISBN 978-3-642-00321-9
Bramstedt, K. and Noël, S. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. and Lerot, C. and Tilstra, L.G. and Lichtenberg, G. and Dehn, A. and Fehr, T, (2009) SCIAMACHY Monitoring Factors: Observation and End-to-End Correction of Instrument Performance Degradation. In: Atmospheric Science Conference, SP-676, 7-11 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
Buchwitz, M. (2009) Satellitenmessungen von Treibhausgasen (CO2 und Methan). In: 4ter Extrem-Wetter-Kongress (Conference). (Unpublished)
Buchwitz, M. and Reuter, M. and Schneising, O. and Heymann, J. and Bovensman, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Towards an improved CO2 retrieval algorithm for SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT. ESA Special Publication ESA SP-676.
Buchwitz, M. and Schneising, O. and Reuter, M. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Global atmospheric carbon dioxide from SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT. In: Proceedings 8th International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC 8)/13-19 Sept 2009/Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry/Jena/Germany.
Buchwitz, M. and Schneising, O. and Reuter, M. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Methane and carbon dioxide column-averaged mixing ratios from SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT. In: poster presentation/European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly/2009/Vienna/Austria/19-24 April 2009. (Unpublished)
Burkhart, J.F. and Pedersen, C.V. and Bogren, W. and Gerland, S. and Storvald, R. and Kohler, J. and Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Ström, J. (2009) Variability of Albedo Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. In: Proccedings of AGU Assembly.
Chai, T. and Carmichael, G.R. and Tang, Y. and Sandu, A. and Heckel, A. and Richter, A. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Regional NOx emission inversion through a four-dimensional variational approach using SCIAMACHY tropospheric NO2 column observations. Atmospheric Environment, 43 . pp. 5046-5055.
Devasthale, A. and Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Singh, R.P. (2009) Qualitative dust monitoring over Arabian Sea using Meteosat visible imagery. In: proceedings of the workshop on the Determination of atmospheric aerosol properties using satellite measurements.
Dinter, T. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Burrows, J.P. and Wendish, M. and Bierwith, E. and Muller, D. and Diouri, M. (2009) Regional patterns of aerosol optical depths of desert dust during SAMUM and validation. Tellus B, 61 . pp. 229-238.
Dinter, T. and von Hoyningen-Huene, W. and Burrows, J.P. and Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Bierwirth, E. and Wendisch, M. and Müller, D. and Kahn, R. and Diouri, M. (2009) Retrieval of aerosol optical thickness for desert conditions using MERIS observations during the SAMUM campaign. Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology, Vol. 6 (1). pp. 229-238. ISSN 0280-6509
Diouri, M. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Zarrouk, T. and Dinter, T. and Kokhanovsky, A. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Retrieval of columnar aerosol particle size distribution over desert regions. In: SAMUM-Morocco experiment campaign case in proceedings of the workshop on the Determination of atmospheric aerosol properties using satellite measurements.
Dufour, G. and Wittrock, F. and Camredon, M. and Beekmann, M. and Richter, A. and Aumont, B. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) SCIAMACHY formaldehyde observations: constraint for isoprene emissions over Europe? Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 164716 .
Dupuy, E. and Walker, K.A. and Kar, J. and Boone, C.D. and McElroy, C.T. and Bernath, P.F. and Drummond, J.R. and Skelton, R. and McLeod, S.D. and Hughes, R.C. and Nowlan, C.R. and Dufour, D.G. and Zou, J. and Nichitiu, F. and Strong, K. and Baron, P. and Bevilacqua, R.M. and Blumenstock, T. and Bodeker, G.E. and Borsdorff, T. and Bourassa, A.E. and Bovensmann, H. and Boyd, I.S. and Bracher, A. and Brogniez, C. and Burrows, J.P. and Catoire, V. and Ceccherini, S. and Chabrillat, S. and Christensen, T. and Coffey, M.T. and Cortesi, U. and Davies, J. and De Clercq, C. and Degenstein, D.A. and De Mazière, M. and Demoulin, P. and Dodion, J. and Firanski, B. and Fischer, H. and Forbes, G. and Froidevaux, L. and Fussen, D. and Gerard, P. and Godin-Beekmann, S. and Goutail, F. and Granville, J. and Griffith, D. and Haley, C.S. and Hannigan, J.W. and Höpfner, M. and Jin, J.J. and Jones, A. and Jones, N.B. and Jucks, K. and Kagawa, A. and Kasai, Y. and Kerzenmacher, T.E. and Kleinböhl, A. and Klekociuk, A.R. and Kramer, I. and Küllmann, H. and Kuttippurath, J. and Kyrölä, E. and Lambert, J.-C. and Livesey, N.J. and Llewellyn, E.J. and Lloyd, N.D. and Mahieu, E. and Manney, G.L. and Marshall, B.T. and McConnell, J.C. and McCormick, M.P. and McDermid, I.S. and McHugh, M. and McLinden, C.A. and Mellqvist, J. and Mizutani, K. and Murayama, Y. and Murtagh, D.P. and Oelhaf, H. and Parrish, A. and Petelina, S.V. and Piccolo, C. and Pommereau, J.-P. and Randall, C.E. and Robert, C. and Roth, C. and Schneider, M. and Senten, C. and Steck, T. and Strandberg, A. and Strawbridge, K.B. and Sussmann, R. and Swart, D.P J. and Tarasick, D.W. and Taylor, J.R. and Tétard, C. and Thomason, L.W. and Thompson, A.M. and Tully, M.B. and Urban, J. and Vanhellemont, F. and Vigouroux, C. and von Clarmann, T. and von der Gathen, P. and von Savigny, C. and Waters, J.W. and Witte, J.C. and Wolff, M. and Zawodny, J.M. (2009) Validation of ozone measurements from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 (2). p. 287. ISSN 1680-7324
Dupuy, E. and Walker, K.A. and Kar, J. and Boone, C.D. and McElroy, C.T. and Bernath, P.F. and Drummond, J.R. and Skelton, R. and McLeod, S.D. and Hughes, R.C. and Nowlan, C.R. and Dufour, D.G. and Zou, J. and Nichitiu, F. and Strong, K. and Baron, P. and Bevilacqua, R.M. and Blumenstock, T. and Bodeker, G.E. and Borsdorff, T. and Bourassa, A.E. and Bovensmann, H. and Boyd, I.S. and Bracher, A. and Brogniez, C. and Burrows, J.P. and Catoire, V. and Ceccherini, S. and Chabrillat, S. and Christensen, T. and Coffey, M.T. and Cortesi, U. and Davies, J. and DeClercq, C. and Degenstein, D.A. and DeMazière, M. and Demoulin, P. and Dodion, J. and Firanski, B. and Fischer, H. and Forbes, G. and Froidevaux, L. and Fussen, D. and Gerard, P. and Godin-Beekman, S. and Goutail, F. and Granville, J. and Griffith, D. and Haley, C.S. and Hannigan, J.W. and Höpfner, M. and Jin, J.J. and Jones, A. and Jones, N.B. and Jucks, K. and Kagawa, A. and Kasai, Y. and Kerzenmacher, T.E. and Kleinböhl, A. and Klekociuk, A.R. and Kramer, I. and Küllmann, H. and Kuttippurath, J. and Kyrölä, E. and Lambert, J.C. and Livesey, N.J. and Llewellyn, E.J. and Lloyd, N.D. and Mahieu, E. and Manney, G.L. and Marshall, B.T. and McConnell, J.C. and McCormick, M.P. and McDermid, I.S. and McHugh, M. and McLinden, C.A. and Mellqvist, J. and Mizutani, K. and Murayama, Y. and Murtagh, D.P. and Oelhaf, H. and Parrish, A. and Petelina, S.V. and Piccolo, C. and Pommereau, J.P. and Randall, C.E. and Robert, C. and Roth, C. and Schneider, M. and Senten, C. and Steck, T. and Strandberg, A. and Strawbridge, K.B. and Sussmann, R. and Swart, D.P.J. and Tarasick, D.W. and Taylor, J.R. and Tétard, C. and Thomason, L.W. and Thompson, A.M. and Tully, M.B. and Urban, J. and Vanhellemont, F. and VonClarmann, T. and VonDerGathen, P. and VonSavigny, C. and Waters, J.W. and Witte, J.C. and Wolff, M. and Zawodny, J.M. (2009) Validation of ozone measurements from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 . pp. 287-343.
Franke, K. and Richter, A. and Bovensmann, H. and Eyring, V. and Jockel, P. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Ship emitted NO2 in the Indian Ocean: Comparison of model results with satellite data. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9 . pp. 7289-7301.
Frankenberg, C. and Yoshimura, K. and Warneke, T. and Aben, I. and Butz, A. and Deutscher, N. and Griffith, D. and Hase, F. and Notholt, J. and Schneider, M. and Schrijver, H. and Rockmann, T. (2009) Dynamic Processes Governing Lower-Tropospheric HDO/H2O Ratios as Observed from Space and Ground. Science, 325 (5946). pp. 1374-1377. ISSN 0036-8075
Frankenberg, Christian and Yoshimura, Kei and Warneke, Thorsten and Aben, Ilse and Butz, Andre and Deutscher, Nicholas and Griffith, David and Hase, Frank and Notholt, Justus and Schneider, Matthias and Schrijver, Hans and Rockmann, Thomas (2009) Dynamic Processes Governing Lower-Tropospheric HDO/H2O Ratios as Observed from Space and Ground. SCIENCE, 325 (5946). pp. 1374-1377.
Glantz, P. and Kokhanovsky, A. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Johansson, C. (2009) Estimating PM2.5 over southern Sweden using satellite measurements. In: Proceedings of European Aerosol Conference.
Glantz, P. and Kokhanovsky, A.A. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Johansson, C. (2009) Estimating PM2.5 over southern Sweden using spaceborne optical measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 92 . pp. 58-68.
Goede, A.P.H. and Tuck, A. and Burrows, J.P. and Fischer, H. and Leisner, T. and Beekmann, M. and Flaud, J.M. and Paretzke, H. and Suppan, P. and Baier, F. and Hamacher, T. and Platt, U. and Zanis, P. (2009) Energy and Environment. The Intimate Link .
Gottwald, M. and von Savigny, C. (2009) Exploration of noctilucent clouds in the polar mesosphere with SCIAMACHY. Environmental Earth Sciences, 59 (4). pp. 949-950. ISSN 1866-6280
HEYGSTER, Georg and WIEBE, Heidrun and SPREEN, Gunnar and KALESCHKE, Lars (2009) AMSR-E Geolocation and Validation of Sea Ice Concentrations Based on 89GHz Data. Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 29 (1). pp. 226-235.
Han, K.M. and Song, C.H. and Ahn, H.J. and Lee, C.K. and Richter, A. and Burrows, J.P. and Kim, J.Y. and Woo, J.H. and Hong, J.H. (2009) Investigation of NOx emissions and NOx-related chemistry in East Asia using CMAQ-predicted and GOME-derived NO2 columns. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 . pp. 1017-1036.
Hendrick, F. and Rozanov, A. and Johnston, P.V. and Bovensmann, H. and De Maziere, M. and Fayt, C. and Hermans, C. and Kreher, K. and Lotz, W. and Sinnhuber, B.-M. and Theys, N. and Thomas, A. and Burrows, J.P. and Van Roozendael, M. (2009) Multi-year comparison of stratospheric BrO vertical profiles retrieved from SCIAMACHY limb and ground-based UV-visible measurements. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 2 . pp. 273-285.
Heygster, Georg and Melsheimer, Christian and Mathew, Nizy and Toudal, Leif and Andersen, Søren and Tonboe, Rasmus and Saldo, Roberto and Schyberg, Harald and Thomas Tveter, Frank and Thyness, Vibeke and Gustafsson, Nils and Landelius, Tomas and Dahlgren, Peer (2009) POLAR PROGRAM: Integrated Observation and Modeling of the arctic Sea Ice and Atmosphere. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90 (3). pp. 293-297. ISSN 0003-0007
Hilboll, A. and Leitão, J. and Vrekoussis, M. and Richter, A. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Trends in tropospheric NO2 from SCIAMACHY over megacities in the Mediterranean and Middle East. In: ESA Atmospheric Science Conference 2009, 7-11 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
Hilboll, A. and Wieters, N. and Richter, A. and Sinnhuber, B.M. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) The impact of the stratospheric correction on tropospheric NO2 measurements from satellites. In: EGU – General Assembly 2009, 20-24 April 2009, Vienna, Austria.
Hong, Gang and Yang, Ping and Baum, Bryan A. and Heymsfield, Andrew J. and Weng, Fuzhong and Liu, Quanhua and Heygster, Georg and Buehler, Stefan A. (2009) Scattering database in the millimeter and submillimeter wave range of 100–1000 GHz for nonspherical ice particles. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (D6). ISSN 0148-0227
Isaksen, I.S.A. and Granier, C. and Myhre, G. and Berntsen, T.K. and Dalsøren, S.B. and Gauss, M. and Klimont, Z. and Benesta, R. and Bousquet, P. and Collins, W. and Cox, T. and Eyring, V. and Fowler, D. and Fuzzi, S. and Jöckel, P. and Laj, P. and Lohmann, U. and Maione, M. and Monks, P. and Prevot, A.S.H. and Raes, F. and Richter, A. and Rognerud, B. and Schulz, M. and Shindell, D. and Stevenson, D.S. and Storelvmo, T. and Wang, W.C. and VanWeele, M. and Wild, M. and Wuebbles, D. (2009) Atmospheric composition change: Climate-Chemistry interactions. Atmospheric Environment, 43 . pp. 5351-5414.
Istomina, L. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) The determination of aerosol optical thickness over snow using AATSR observations. in proceedings of the workshop on the Determination of atmospheric aerosol properties using satellite measurements .
Istomina, L. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Schreier, M. and Rozanov, V. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Retrieval of aerosol optical thickness over snow using dual view satellite observations. In: Proceedings of EGU Assembly/Vienna/April.
Istomina, L. and von Hoyningen-Huene, W. and Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Rozanov, V.V. and Schreier, M. and Dethloff, K. and Stock, M. and Treffeisen, R. and Herber, A. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) SENSITIVITY STUDY OF THE DUAL-VIEW ALGORITHM FOR AEROSOL OPTICAL THICKNESS RETRIEVAL OVER SNOW AND ICE. In: Proceedings of 2nd MERIS/(A)ATSR user workshop, ESA SP-666, 2009, 22-26 Sept. 2008, ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.
Javed, M.U. and Kirk, H. and Richter, A. and Schönhardt, A. and Wittrock, F. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Measurements of NO2 using MAX-DOAS observations of sun-illuminated targets. In: DPG Spring meeting, March 2009, Hamburg, Germany.
Javed, U. and Kirk, H. and Richter, A. and Schönhardt, A. and Wittrock, F. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Measurements of NO2 using MAX-DOAS observations of sun-illuminated targets. In: DPG Spring meeting March. (Unpublished)
Jones, A. and Urban, J. and Murtagh, D.P. and Brohede, S. and Haley, C. and Degenstein, D. and von Savigny, C. and Sonkaew, T. and Rozanov, A. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. and Froidevaux, L. and Lambert, A. (2009) Evolution of stratospheric ozone and water vapour time series studied with satellite measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 . pp. 6055-6075.
Jones, A.E. and Anderson, P.S. and Begoin, M. and Brough, N. and Hutterli, M.A. and Marshall, G.J. and Richter, A. and Roscoe, H.K. and Wolff, E.W. (2009) BrO, blizzards, and drivers of polar tropospheric ozone depletion events. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 . pp. 4639-4652.
Jones, N. B. and Riedel, K. and Allan, W. and Wood, S. and Palmer, P. I. and Chance, K. and Notholt, J. (2009) Long-term tropospheric formaldehyde concentrations deduced from ground-based fourier transform solar infrared measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 (18). pp. 7131-7142. ISSN 1680-7324
Kahn, R. and Paetzold, A. and Wendisch, M. and Bierwirth, E. and Dinter, T. and Esselborn, M. and Fiebig, M. and Heese, B. and Knippertz, P. and Müller, D. and Schladit, A. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. (2009) Desert dust aerosol air mass mapping in the western Sahara, using particle properties derived from space-based multi-angle imaging. Tellus B, 61 . pp. 239-251.
Khlystova, I. and Buchwitz, M. and Burrows, J.P. and Bovensmann, H. and Fowler, D. (2009) Carbon monoxide spatial gradients over source regions as observed by SCIAMACHY: A case study for the United Kingdom. Advances in Space Research, 43 . pp. 923-929.
Khlystova, I.G. and Buchwitz, M. and Richter, A. and Wittrock, F. and Bovensmann, H. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) SCIAMACHY simultaneous measurements over the biomass burning source regions. In: ESA Atmospheric Science Conference 2009, 7-11 September 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
Kim, S.W. and Heckel, A. and Frost, G.J. and Richter, A. and Gleason, J. and Burrows, J.P. and McKeen, S. and Hsie, E.Y. and Granier, C. and Trainer, M. (2009) NO2 columns in the western United States observed from space and simulated by a regional chemistry model and their implications for NOx emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 114 .
Knippertz, P. and Ansmann, A. and Althausen, D. and Müller, D. and Tesche, M. and Bierwirth, E. and Dinter, T. and Müller, T. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Schepanski, K. and Wendisch, M. and Heinold, B. and Kandler, K. and Petzold, A. and Schütz, L. and Tegen, I. (2009) Dust mobilization and transport in the northern Sahara during SAMUM 2006 a meteorologocal overview. Tellus B, 61 . pp. 12-31.
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Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Curier, R.L. and Bennouna, Y. and Schoemaker, R. and DeLeeuw, G. and North, P.R.J. and Grey, W.M.F. and Lee, K.H. (2009) The inter-comparison of AATSR dual-view aerosol optical thickness retrievals with results from various algorithms and instruments. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30 (17). pp. 4525-4537.
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Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Rozanov, V. and Vountas, M. and Lotz, W. and Bovensmann, H. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Retrieval of cloud properties from SCIAMACHY measurements. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Rozanov, V.V. (2009) Retrieval of NO2 vertical columns from satellite measurements in cloudy conditions: a sensitivity study. Atmos. Res., 93 . pp. 695-699.
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Kokhanovsky, A.A. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Determination of the cloud fraction in the SCIAMACHY ground scene using MERIS spectral measurements. in press. International Journal of Remote Sensing .
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and VonHoyningen-Huene, W. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Determination of the cloud fraction in the SCIAMACHY ground scene using MERIS spectral measurements. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30 (23). pp. 6151-6167.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and Zuravleva, T. (2009) Modelling of the angular distribution of reflected solar light with account for the roughness of the snow surface. In: Proceedings of the International Radiation Symposium.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and et al., n.a. (2009) Modelling of polarized radiatiev transfer in terrestrial atmosphere using SCIATRAN. In: Beijing DFG Workshop.
Kokhanovsky, A.A. and et al., n.a. (2009) SCIAMACHY cloud products. In: Berlin Cloud Workshop.
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Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, A. and Kanakidou, M. and Richter, A. and Wagner, T. and Borrell, P. and Law, R.J. and Burrows, J.P. (2009) Air pollution linked to Remote Sensing tools - Science training using a Master's Level e-Learning Tool. In: EGU – General Assembly 2009, 20-24 April 2009, Vienna, Austria.
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Lyapustin, A. and Gatebe, C.K. and Kahn, R. and Brandt, R. and Redemann, J. and Russell, P. and King, M.D. and Pedersen, C.A. and Gerland, S. and Poudyal, R. and Marshak, A. and Wang, Y. and Schaaf, T. and Hall, C.D. and Kokhanovsky, A.A. (2009) Analysis of snow bidirectional reflectance from ARCTAS spring-2008 campaign. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 9 . pp. 21993-22040.
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Robert, C.E. and von Savigny, C. and Burrows, J.P. and Baumgarten, G. (2009) Climatology of Noctilucent Cloud Radii and Occurrence Frequency using SCIAMACHY. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71 . pp. 408-423.
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