Group Physical Analysis of Satellite Images

Remote sensing of Clouds
CIWSIR - Cloud Ice Water Sum-millimetre Imaging Radiometer

Klaus Kunzi (PI), Stefan Buehler, Georg Heygster, Jungang Miao
Funding: ESA 

Cirrus clouds are global in nature and occur primarily in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. These clouds are composed almost entirely of ice crystals. Information on cirrus cloud parametres is crucial to the development of cirrus cloud forecast models, the upgrading of real-time global cloud analysis, and the investigation of cloud feedback in global climate change. Recently, radiometry in the submillimetre band (up to 1000 GHz) has been shown to be a very effective tool in sensing cirrus clouds parametres. The simulation studies of Evans et al. show that the sensitivity of submillimetre radiometry to the total columnar ice content increases with frequency and that at frequencies above approximately 500 GHz the radiometric sensitivity is high enough to measure cirrus cloud properties. 

The IUP has proposed to ESA the sensor CIWSIR as an Earth Expolorer Opportunity mission in January 2002.  As a result, the mission is among the ones where ESAC has recommended further actions.  Currently, ESA is undertaking actions to implement the recommendations, the most important beeing an airborne demonstration mission. 
                       ESA proposal   (pdf) 
                       ESA outline proposal (pdf)
                       EUMETSAT presentati on by Prof. Kunzi (ppt) 

Currently IUP is planning to submit CIWSIR as a national Earth Observation Mission in November 2003 in response to the DLR AO.
                               Letter of Interest (in German, rtf)

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