Total Water Vapour from AMSU-B

Total Water Vapour (TWV) derived from AMSU-B channel 17-20 brightness temperatures using the algorithm presented at PM2 and MTR.


Flat ASCII file (PC, Linux), containing triples of numbers: each triple (longitude, latitude, TWV) corresponds to one footprint (one pixel or data point) of AMSU-B. The files can be read as binary table with routines from the GMT (General Mapping Tools) package (e.g. routine 'nearneighbor').

If you have the GMT package on your system: to produce a TWV map from one of the files, use something like this shell script (please adapt). There is also a GMT color table that the script needs twv-NCEP-05.cpt


The data will be put on an ftp server at DTU, here are just some files for testing.
C. Melsheimer, Last modified: Wed Jul 21 17:31:14 CEST 2004