Minutes of the IOMASA Final Presentation,
6-7 October, 2005
held at IUP, Bremen, Germany

Start of meeting: 6 October, 9:15 CEST
End of meeting: 7 October, 12:00 CEST


Jens Borgmann                     
Sven-Erik Ehlers                  
Georg Heygster                    GH
Christian Melsheimer              CM

Leif Toudal                       LT
Roberto Saldo                     RS

Søren Andersen                    SA
Rasmus Tonboe

Frank Thomas Tveter               FT
Harald Schyberg                   HS
Vibeke Thyness                    VT
Per Dahlgren                      PD
Nils Gustavsson                   NG

Stephen English                   SE
Carl Fortelius                    CF

1. Introductory items:

2. Results of IOMASA

2.1 Part 1 (IUP): Remote sensing of atmospheric parameters

(C. Melsheimer):

Total water vapour (TWV) from AMSU-B:

Cloud liquid water

Emissivity for AMSU channels:

C     SE: As to emissivity; how many degrees of freedom does
C         emissivity at those AMSU channels have, and how many degrees
C         of freedom of data do we have. 

2.2 Part 2 (met.no, SMHI): Improving numerical weather prediction models

H. Schyberg

Overview: Improved use of satellite data in NWP

F. Tveter

New Quality control method

C   GH: Why innovation curve not maximum at
C       y - Hxb = 0? 
C   FT: There is usually a bias between RTTOV result and measured Tb.
C   GH: Impact of new quality control checked?
C   FT: Being done now.
C   SE: Equation of risk function?
C   FT: In Deliverable report (here).
C   GH: Innovation thresholds different over open water, ice etc.?
C   FT: Not yet.
C   NG: Compare old cloud contamination check with this new method.
V. Thyness

Impact study

C   GH: 2 changes: New QC, and better ice emissivities from DTU?
C   VT: Yes.
C   SE: Exp.: AMSU-A assimilation only over ice, not over water;
C       Ref.: no AMSU-A assimilation at all?
C   VT: Correct.
H. Schyberg
C   NG: Would be interesting to see which AMSU-A observation in
C       which region contributes to the improvement
C   GH: 3DVar?
C   HS: Yes, the 4DVar HIRLAM is not yet operational.
C   SE: Is this a direct effect of AMSU-A assimilation, over indirect
C       effect by "supporting" some sparse observations
C       (Bjørnøya) that would otherwise have been rejected?
C   HS: Both.
C   SE: You could systematically check forecast against analysis.

R-factor (cloud signature) in forecast

C   SE: How do forecasters locate fronts?
C   HS: for short range forecast: AVHRR
C   CF: Note: surface fronts not equal to cloud patterns
C   HS: ⇒ R-factor: deep clouds, i.e., height-integrated; AVHRR: cloud tops
P. Dahlgren

Assimilation of retrieved TWV (from IUP)

Assimilation of raw AMSU-B radiances

C   GH: Would you rather assimilate AMSU TWV or AMSU-B radiances?
C   PD: Not decided yet.
C   SE: Is the cloud mask over ice bad? Did you check that yourself?
C   PD: No, the info is from experience at other institutes.
C   GH: Can we say something general about the two opposite strategies
C       of (1) assimilating direct data (radiances) and (2)
C       assimilating retrieved quantities?
C   SE: Past experience: the smaller the model bias, the less useful
C       is the assimilation of retrieved quantities.
C   NG: But assimilating retrieved quantities helps identifying
C       biases!
C   GH: Is this worth a publication?
C   NG/SE: Yes.
C   NG: Some money in DAMOCLES is planned for that.
N. Gustavsson
C   LK: In the turbulence scheme: what is the roughness length over sea
C       ice?
C   NG: Roughness length depends on surface type, wind speed (water);
C       over ice, it is needed, but not done yet.
C   NG/GH/LT: There is a WP on sea ice albedo in DAMOCLES.

Part 3 (DTU): Empirical model for emissivity and backscatter of sea ice

L. Toudal

Emissivity (AMSU-A, AMSU-B)

C    CM: How about emissivity at AMSU-A at non-window channels (50-60 GHz)?
C    LT: Approximately equal to emissivity at 50 GHz

Statistical Retrieval of Atmospheric and Oceanic Parameters

C   NG: Ice type: reliable?
C   LT: it is still susceptible to atmospheric changes/variability
C   SA: Use MY IC for NWP?
C   HS: In fact, SSM/I MY IC used as a predictor for surface
C       emissivity
C   SA: Note that SSM/I MY ice is very unstable, it is only something
C       like 90 GHz emission.
C   LT: How many degrees of freedom are there in emissivities of AMSU
C       channels?
C   HS: Regional differences: ice physically different; would be good
C       to know more.
C   LT: Distinction into FYI and MYI explain 97% of the variability of
C       emissivity ...
C   CM: ... in other words, FYI and MYI are something like the first two
C       principal components (thus about >2 degrees of freedom??)
C  GH: Regional differences are related to different meteorol. history 

Part 5(DTU): Demonstration of real-time processing and user interface

L. Toudal
C   LK: What does CLW over ice show?
C   LT: part of it is just ice emissivity variations, we include
C       Rasmus Tonboe's emissivity model (meteorol. history)
C   LK: Over snow-covered land?
C   LT: A snow emissivity model would be needed for that...

Part 4 (DMI): Construction of algorithm for sea ice concentration retrieval

S. Andersen [Overview] R. Tonboe

Emissivity modelling

S. Andersen

Ice concentration algorithm validation


Additional Feedback from User Advisory Group

S. English, MetOffice

NWP problem in polar areas have been demonstrated: there is enormous potential for improvement

On biases: biases often reduced by assimilation, but: bias must be pinned down, model induced bias must be avoided/corrected first, where possible (there will be an ECMWF workshop on bias correction in November)

C. Fortelius, FMI

Don't stop when you have demonstrated positive impact, but make the improvements enter into HIRLAM reference system.

Review of Projects: all tasks completed?

Publications planned

  1. TWV: IUP
  2. Emissivity retrieval and impact on assimilation (see Vibeke Thyness' poster at ITSC (Int. TOVS Study Conference) in China): IUP, DTU, met.no
  3. Paper on Impact Study of emissivity on HIRLAM: met.no
  4. New surface flux scheme in HIRLAM (V. Perov's work): SMHI
  5. Impact of AMSU TWV assimilation into HIRLAM; conference paper: SMHI
  6. Validation of microwave ice concentration algorithm: DMI
  7. Rasmus Tonboe's simulated TB using coupled thermodynamic and dynamic model: DMI
  8. Book-keeping model for sea ice: DMI
  9. IOMASA in general (for BAMS): all

Project Management

Reports, Deliverables


AVHRR Advanced very high resolution radiometer (Vis./NIR sensor on NOAA satellites)
BAMS Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
CLW cloud liquid water
TWV column water vapour (= TWV = PWV)
DAMOCLES Developing Arctic Modelling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies (FP 6 project, to start early 2006))
DMI Danish Meteorological Institute
DTU-DCRS Technical Univ. of Denmark, Danish Center for Remote Sensing
ECMWF European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast
epsilon, eps Surface emissivity
EWGLAM European Working Group on Limited Area Modelling
FASTEM Fast Emissivity Model, for open water emissivities, used, e.g. by RTTOV
FMI Finnish Meteorological Institute
FY first-year (ice)
HIRLAM High Resolution Limited Area Model
IC ice concentration
IR infra-red
IUP Institut für Umweltphysik (Environm. Physics), Univ. Bremen
MEMLSI Microwave Emission Model of Layered Snowpacks on Ice
met.no Norwegian Meteorological Institute
MWMOD MicroWave MODel (by Fuhrhop et. al)
MW microwave
MY multi-year (ice)
NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction
NT NASA TEAM (algorithm for sea ice concentration retrieval)
NT2 NASA TEAM 2 (algorithm for sea ice concentration retrieval)
NWP numerical weather prediction
OEM optimal estimation method
OSI SAF SAF on Ocean and Sea Ice
QC quality control
PWV precipitable water vapour (= TWV = CWV)
RGPS RADARSAT Geophysical Processor System
RT radiative transfer
RTTOV radiative transfer model for TOVS data (e.g. AMSU)
SAF Satellite Application Facility
SMHI Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
SST sea surface temperature
T temperature
Tb brightness temperature
TCW total cloud water
TGARS-L IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Letters
TUD Technological Universiry of Denmark (= DTU)
TWV total water vapour (= CWV = PWV)
VIS/NIR visible and near infrared
WV water vapour

Minutes prepared by Christian Melsheimer