Minutes of the IOMASA Progress Meeting 2,
30-31 October, 2003
held at SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden

Start of meeting: 30 October, 13:00
End of meeting: 31 October, 12:00


Georg Heygster                    GH
Christian Melsheimer 		  CM

Leif Toudal Pedersen 		  LTP
Roberto Saldo 			  RS

Søren Andersen 			  SA
Thomas Bøvith			  TB 

Harald Schyberg 		  HS
Frank Thomas Tveter 		  FT
Nils Gustafsson			  NG
Tomas Landelius 		  TL

1. Introductory items:

2. Progress of Phase 2: Status and Results of Phase 2 of each Partner:

2.1 Part 1 (IUP): WP 2.1: Atmospheric remote sensing algorithms

(C. Melsheimer):

Total water vapour (TWV) from AMSU-B:

//    LTP: If partitioning into regions is done, the region
//       borders have to be treated carefully (discontinuities) 
//    NG: Why not use temperature profile from satellite
//       (AMSU-A) to decide which bias to use?
//    LTP: As to emissivities - some info on them is available...
//    NG: We use emissivity as a control variable, therefore 
//       knowledge about the correlations between emissivities at different
//       frequencies can be very useful.
//    NG: When do you have TWV fields - we want to see the difference
//       between assimilating AMSU-B radiances and assimilating TWV (from
//       AMSU-B); we'll be ready for assimilating AMSU-B radiances in about
//       half a year.
//    CM: Depending on how well the algorithm is calibrated, 
//       first fields can be ready by end of this year.
(G. Heygster):

Cloud liquid water (CLW) over ice from SSM/I

//    NG: Can you retrieve total water, CLW + PWV?
//    GH/HS: Difficult to retrieve them simultaneously
//       since they have very different radiative behaviour.
//    Cloud ice is an error source because of scattering. 
//    HS: Can CLW be retrieved using other sensors?
//    GH: Yes, e.g. Polder; needs sunlight.
//    HS: Can we also get AMSR data in near real time
//    LTP: Yes, possible (within about 4-6 hours)
//    GH: We use AMSR for daily sea ice maps (Gunnar Spreen, Lars Kaleschke),
//       sometimes, AMSR data are there faster than SSM/I

2.2 Part 2 (met.no/SMHI): WP 2.2 Improve Arctic high-resolution NWP

(H. Schyberg):

NWP assimilation activities:

SMHI: AMSU-B, humidity

met.no: AMSU-A, temperature

//    NG: Precipitation 0-6hrs dangerous, in first hour (0h-1h), values
//       might be erroneous
//    LTP: Use  2h-6h instead of 0h-6h?
//    NG: Yes, for example, but difficult to achieve. One possibility
//       is to use, e.g., 6h-12h.

Setup of operational data stream for assimilation

WP 2.2

(T. Landelius):

Humidity Assimilation (AMSU-B):

Surface heat flux modeling:

//    GH: There are activities on snow depth with AMSR, and snow/ice
//       interface temperature
//    TL/GH Priorities: which of the planned items first?
//    LTP: In winter, snow/ice interface temperature from radiometer
//       (AMSR), since snow quite transparent then
//       <- snow depth from HIRLAM? 
//       -> snow surface temperature
//    TL: Emissivity at AMSU (A,B) channels?
//    LTP: OSI-SAF: ice concentration & ice type => we => emiss. at AMSU
//       freq.
//    HS: ...or directly from SSM/I (no detour via ice concentration/type)
//    GH: Emissivity. important, needed by many => we need to coordinate that
//          (DTU group is working on that) 
//    LTP: Most crucial: AMSU-A channels; AMSU-B channels less influenced
//    SA: In the end, all improvements should be put into one model
//    HS/NG: That is the plan, and then we can assess the overall impact
//       of IOMASA
//    NG: This can take very long ...
//    CM/GH: ...follow-on projects? Discuss that later (e.g., next meeting) 
//    GH: The CARE project should be made more aware of importance of
//       surface for NWP

2.3 Part 3 (DTU): WP 3.2: Construction of sea ice emissivity forward model:

(L.T. Pedersen):
//    LTP: we should make comparison with IUP's CLW, TWV
//    GH: Advantage of Wentz's ocean emissivity model over MWMOD?
//    LTP: Wentz's model orders of magnitude more computationally
//       efficient because it is tuned to SSM/I and AMSR frequencies.
//    GH: AMSR: There is a correction for land contamination.

2.4 Part 4 (DMI): WP 4.2: Construction of algorithm for sea ice concentration retrieval:

(S. Andersen):
//    SA: Do we try to make microphysical description of ice on which
//       algorithm is based? or rather go on with empirical algorithm
//    LTP: A physical algorithm is nice, but we should have a fallback
//        option
//    GH: Now we have 2 totally different ice algorithms: 
//       DTU's statistical (OEM) retrieval, and DMI's.
//       Should one of them be the "standard" one in IOMASA?
//    SA: Ice service should not rely on just one algorithm (e.g., switch
//       to bootstrap during melt events)
//    LTP: We should continue with both approaches; OEM does not always
//       work fine.
//    HS: And it's 2 different sensors: AMSR and SSM/I
//    LTP: Yes, but OEM algorithm with SSM/I works almost as fine as with
//       AMSR; however, SST retrieval works much better with AMSR.
//       Also consider: there are 3 SSM/I's but only 1 AMSR (used to be 2
//       until recently...)

2.5 Part 5 (DTU-DCRS): WP 5.1 Real time processing and user interface: Define interfaces and formats:

=> see section 2.3 above

3. Review of Phase 2:

All tasks are on schedule

4. Inter-task communication/coordination

who: what to whom when
IUP:TWV fieldsDMI,DTU,SMHI from end of 2003
CLW fieldsmet.no
CLW algo. (R-fact.) met.no, DMI,DTU
temp. retr. algo. met.no
emiss. correlations (SEPOR/POLEX) all
Nathalie's PhD thesis all (to website if o.K. with Nathalie)
DTU:L.T. Pedersen's PhD thesis all
met.no: HIRLAM data extraction (startup now) all
DTU:ice emissivity forward model, snow emissivity model DMI
AMSR data (ftp) DMI
DMI:report on melting events all
experimental ice productsall
SAF ice conc. all: http://saf.met.no
DTU:AMSU emissivities all
OEM retrieval (prelim. report) allend of 2003
IUP:List of arctic RS stations (so they can select satellite passes)DTU
DMI:Synop data 1996-2003 IUP
IUP:LaTeX template of Report all: website

DTU-IUP: compare CLW fields (from OEM and AMSU) for some example situations; IUP sends specification of example (cloud systems across ice edge) to DTU.

Note: Best way to exchange algorithms and reports is the IOMASA member web site

5. Project management

5.1. Report duties

(C. Melsheimer)

5.2. Next meetings

All project members agreed to shift Midterm Review (MTR) from end of month 22 to end of month 18, i.e. May 2004:

6. Action items for PM2

6.1.1 Deliverables 3.1.2: HIRLAM data year 1

o.K. (see section 4., Inter-task communication)

6.1.2 Deliverable 5.1: formats/interfaces for real time production

instead of exchanging data, we shall rather exchange algorithms

6.2. Input for first Periodic Report

see above, section 5.1 (input to coordinator due on Nov 20)

7. Additional topics

IOMASA brochure

8. Any other business

IOMASA web pages

Presentations at this meeting

All participants of this meeting are to send electronic copies of their presentations to the coordinator, preferably in PDF format.

DMI report on melting events

put link to online version of report (on DMI website) to IOMASA member web site


ASI ARTIST sea ice algorithm
CLW cloud liquid water
CWV column water vapour (= TWV = PWV)
DMI Danish Meteorological Institute
DTU-DCRS Technical Univ. of Denmark, Danish Center for Remote Sensing
EuroClim European climate change [?] (http://euroclim.nr.no)
FY first-year (ice)
IC ice concentration
IR infra-red
IUP Institut für Umweltphysik (Environm. Physics), Univ. Bremen
LWC liquid water content
met.no Norwegian Meteorological Institute
MY multi-year (ice)
NSIDC National Snow and Ice Data Center
NT NASA TEAM (algorithm for sea ice concentration retrieval)
NWP numerical weather prediction
OEM optimal estimation method
OSI SAF Satellite Application Facility (SAF) on Ocean and Sea Ice
PWV precipitable water vapour (= TWV = CWV)
SEPOR/POLEX Surface Emissivities in POLar Regions - POLar EXperiment
SMHI Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
SST sea surface temperature
T temperature
Tb brightness temperature
TCW total cloud water
TWV total water vapour (= CWV = PWV)
WV water vapour

Minutes prepared by Christian Melsheimer