Minutes of the IOMASA Progress Meeting 3-δ,
6-7 December, 2004
held at DMI, Copenhagen, Denmark

Start of meeting: 6 December, 15:00
End of meeting: 7 December, 14:00


Georg Heygster                    GH
Hendrik Laue                      HL
Christian Melsheimer              CM

Leif Toudal                       LT
Roberto Saldo                     RS

Søren Andersen                    SA
Rasmus Tonboe                     RT 
Xiaohua Yang                      XHY
Bjarne Amstrup                    BA
Jakob Grove-Rasmussen             JG

Frank Thomas Tveter               FT
Per Dahlgren                      PD

1. Introductory items:

2. Progress of Phase 2: Status and Results of Phase 2 of each Partner:

2.1 Part 1 (IUP): WP 2.1: Atmospheric remote sensing algorithms

(C. Melsheimer):

Total water vapour (TWV) from AMSU-B:

#   XHY: Which satellites do you use?
#   CM: NOAA-15 and -16.
#   LT: There were some interferences with some search and rescue
#        transmitter in some AMSU-B channel of NOAA-15
#   CM: We should compare NOAA-15 and NOAA-16 results.
#   XHY: How is the check of remote sensing data done?
#   CM: Comparison with radiosonde data, ongoing; comparison with
#       reanalysis data fro NCEP.
#   XHY: You should rather use ECMWF reanalysis data. Check for
#        discrepancies in day/night, NOAA-15/16, cloudiness.

Surface emissivity at AMSU-A frequencies


2.2 Part 2 (met.no/SMHI): WP 2.2 Improve Arctic high-resolution NWP

temperature data assimilation (AMSU-A)

H. Schyberg (met.no)had to cancel participation in this meeting on short notice

(P. Dahlgren):

Humidity Assimilation (AMSU-B):

AMSU-B over sea
AMSU-B over ice

Improved modeling of surface heat flux

(work by V. Perov)
# SA/GH: Integrate improved surface flux modeling and ice
#        concentration retrieval

2.3 Part 3 (DTU): WP 3.2: Construction of sea ice emissivity forward model:


Advanced statistical retrieval, R-factor and TWV algorithm

Time series analysis (AMSR-E, AMSU)

#    CM: Is this really caused by surface (emissivity) effects?
#    LT: Mainly.
#    HL: But at 150 GHz, variations in summer not larger than in winter.
#    LT: They would probably be larger in summer, but the signal is
#        dampened by the higher water vapour load in summer.
#    SA: And: emissivity difference of water and
#        ice smallest at 150 GHz.
#    CM: Size of test area (GreenICE)?
#    LT: About 50 by 100 km.
#    GH: Were snow density and thickness correlated in your simulations?
#    LT: No, just used all possible combinations of density and
#        thickness from the chosen intervals; s.th. like a worst case testing.

2.4 Part 4 (DMI): WP 4.2: Construction of algorithm for sea ice concentration retrieval:

(R. Tonboe):

Emission/backscatter modeling

(S. Andersen):


#  GH: Contact Frank Wentz.
#  LT: Additionally: oscillation of Tb even within just one scan, A or
#      B (reason: total power radiometer, calibrated once per each
#      scan, but still some oscillation)
#  GH: Could we also get the data from NESDIS?
#  SA: We'll have to check.
#  GH/SA: There are a number of questions to JAXA and RSS (F. Wentz)

SAR validation data

Ice concentration system

To Do (final stage of project)

#  XHY:  This could also be a problem of the satellite data.
# SA/CM: Maybe, but the time evolution of that system over several days
#        looks very reasonable, as looks the time evolution of other systems
#        over the Arctic (moving in from Atlantic, eastward
#        displacement etc.)
# SA/GH: We should search systematically for discrepancies between TWV
#        from AMSU-B and from HIRLAM (possible weather systems missed by
#        HIRLAM)

3. Review of Phase 2 / Inter-task Communication

#  LT: Algorithms: prefer C or so to IDL.
#  CM: You could us your C implementation of our (IDL) algorithm for
#      checking...

Liquid water retrieval over ice with SSMIS?

H. Laue works as a visiting scientist (half a year) for DMI.
#    LT: You use radiosonde profiles for modelling; CLW from where?
#    GH: profile (temp.erature, humidity) + cloud model = CLW (Liza
#        Zabolotskikh's work at IUP)
#    LT: You said you have only 37 suitable radiosonde profiles (out of
#        thousands). Why?
#    HL: Requirement: cloud cover and 100% IC
#    LT/SA: 100% IC not necessarily required.
#    HL: What is the purpose of the 60.3 GHz channels?
#    CM: Ask ARTS spectroscopy people.
#    SA: Do you plan a sensitivity study with emissivity?
#    HL: Yes.
#    CM: Emissivity correlations: AMSU-B: Nathalie Selfish; AMSU-A: Nizy
#        Mathew.

Project management

Reports, Publications

Planning of PM3, PM4

6. The Future


6.2 IPY (international polar year)

#  GH: What to put in?
#  SA: Partners in USA/Canada (e.g., International Ice Charting Working
#      Group)
#  FT: Lars-Anders Breivik suggests to coordinate writing of the letter.
#  GH: Will contact L-A Breivik. - Ice, Ocean, Atmosphere.
#  LT: Remember to check the (rather strict) form for the letter!
#      Available at international IPY web site.

7. Any Other Business

7.1 EuroGOOS meeting, June 6-9, 2005


AAPP ATOVS and AVHRR Processing Package
AVHRR Advanced very high resolution radiometer (Vis./NIR sensor on NOAA satellites)
ATOVS Advanced TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (passive microwave sensor on NOAA satellites)
CLW cloud liquid water
CWV column water vapour (= TWV = PWV)
DMI Danish Meteorological Institute
DTU-DCRS Technical Univ. of Denmark, Danish Center for Remote Sensing
FP Framework Programme
FY first-year (ice)
HIRVDA HIRLAM variational data assimilation
IC ice concentration
ICEMON Sea ice monitoring in the polar regions
IPY International Polar Year
IR infra-red
IUP Institut für Umweltphysik (Environm. Physics), Univ. Bremen
met.no Norwegian Meteorological Institute
MIZ marginal ice zone
MY multi-year (ice)
NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction
NT NASA TEAM (algorithm for sea ice concentration retrieval)
NT2 NASA TEAM 2 (algorithm for sea ice concentration retrieval)
NWP numerical weather prediction
OEM optimal estimation method
OSI SAF SAF on Ocean and Sea Ice
PWV precipitable water vapour (= TWV = CWV)
RSS Remote Sensing Systems (comapany headed by F. Wentz, www.ssmi.com
SAF Satellite Application Facility
SMHI Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
SST sea surface temperature
T temperature
Tb brightness temperature
TCW total cloud water
TWV total water vapour (= CWV = PWV)
WV water vapour

Minutes prepared by Christian Melsheimer