Minutes of the IOMASA Progress Meeting 4,
16-17 June, 2005
held at met.no, Oslo, Norway

Start of meeting: 16 June, 13:00 CEST
End of meeting: 17 June, 13:00 CEST


Georg Heygster                    GH
Christian Melsheimer              CM

Leif Toudal                       LT
Roberto Saldo                     RS

Søren Andersen                    SA

Frank Thomas Tveter               FT
Harald Schyberg                   HS
Vibeke Thyness                    VT
Tomas Landelius                   TL

1. Introductory items:

2. Progress of Phase 3 (Production experiment on historic data set) and Start of Phase 4 (Validation and real time experiment):

2.1 Part 1 (IUP): WP 1.3: Produce atmospheric fields; WP 1.4: Validation-evaluation of atmospheric algorithms/products

(C. Melsheimer):

Total water vapour (TWV) from AMSU-B:

C     HS: Rather use radiosonde data for validation, in spite of the
C         limitations and problems of these data 

Emissivity for AMSU channels:

C     HS: Monthly emissivity maps are not so useful, rather: better
C         info on emissivity of major ice types.

2.2 Part 2 (met.no, SMHI): WP 2.3: Prepare real time assimilation; WP 2.4: NWP Production and validation

T. Landelius

Improved NWP (humidity)

C   GH: How is the decision taken if a new scheme is included into
C       NWP model?
C   HS: If somebody can prove that a new scheme improves model on
C       average, then it is included in reference HIRLAM.
C   GH: Will the new turbulence scheme be included in HIRLAM reference
C       model?
C   HS: For the turbulence scheme, improvement is very welcome
C       (⇒ =>high chances)
H. Schyberg

Improved NWP (temperature)

C   GH: Why highest impact on MSLP?
C   HS: AMSU-A data (ch. 6-16) are related to upper troposphere
C       (weighting function peaks higher) => influence on
C       pressure. Surface T and humidity more dependent on local
C       parameters, less on high troposphere.
F.T. Tveter

Quality control

2.3 Part 3 (DTU): Emissivity, validation of sea ice forward model

L. Toudal


C   TL: Also AMSU-B emissivities?
C   LT: AMSU-B data are not in colocation (HIRLAM-AMSU) data (yet)

Validation of ice forward model

WP 4.4: Validate sea ice algorithm

S. Andersen
C   GH: Will Near-90-GHz (N90) algorithm be implemented at OSI SAF (N90 ≈ ASI)?
C   SA: Quite likely

2.5 Part 5(DTU): WP 5.3: Setup of production and interface; WP 5.4: Validate production and interface

L. Toudal

3. Review of Phase 3:

Publications planned

  1. TWV: IUP
  2. Emissivity retrieval and impact on assimilation (see Vibeke Thyness' poster at ITSC (Int. TOVS Study Conference) in China): IUP, DTU, met.no
  3. Paper on Impact Study of emissivity on HIRLAM: met.no
  4. New surface flux scheme in HIRLAM (V. Perov's work): SMHI
  5. Impact of AMSU TWV assimilation into HIRLAM; conference paper: SMHI
  6. Validation of microwave ice concentration algorithm: DMI
  7. Rasmus Tonboe's simulated TB using couples thermodynamic and dynamic model: DMI
  8. Book-keeping model for sea ice: DMI
  9. IOMASA in general (for BAMS): all

Project Management

Next Meeting: Final Presentation

Reports, Deliverables


AVHRR Advanced very high resolution radiometer (Vis./NIR sensor on NOAA satellites)
ASI ARTIST sea ice algorithm
BAMS Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
CLW cloud liquid water
TWV column water vapour (= TWV = PWV)
DAMOCLES ... (FP 6 project, to start early 2006))
DMI Danish Meteorological Institute
DTU-DCRS Technical Univ. of Denmark, Danish Center for Remote Sensing
ECMWF European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecast
epsilon, eps Surface emissivity
EWGLAM European Working Group on Limited Area Modelling
FASTEM Fast Emissivity Model, for open water emissivities, used, e.g. by RTTOV
FP Final Presentation; Framework Programme
FY first-year (ice)
HIRLAM High Resolution Limited Area Model
IC ice concentration
ICEMON Sea ice monitoring in the polar regions
IR infra-red
IUP Institut für Umweltphysik (Environm. Physics), Univ. Bremen
MEMLS Microwave Emission Model of Layered Snowpacks
met.no Norwegian Meteorological Institute
MWMOD MicroWave MODel (by Fuhrhop et. al)
MY multi-year (ice)
NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction
NT NASA TEAM (algorithm for sea ice concentration retrieval)
NT2 NASA TEAM 2 (algorithm for sea ice concentration retrieval)
NWP numerical weather prediction
OEM optimal estimation method
OSI SAF SAF on Ocean and Sea Ice
PWV precipitable water vapour (= TWV = CWV)
RGPS RADARSAT Geophysical Processor System
RT radiative transfer
RTTOV radiative transfer model for TOVS data (e.g. AMSU)
SAF Satellite Application Facility
SMHI Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
SST sea surface temperature
T temperature
Tb brightness temperature
TCW total cloud water
TGARS-L IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Letters
TWV total water vapour (= CWV = PWV)
VIS/NIR visible and near infrared
WV water vapour

Minutes prepared by Christian Melsheimer