is a collaborative research project within the research cluster
(Role of the middle atmosphere in climate), funded by the German Ministry
of Education and Research (BMBF). Project partners are the Institute of
Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen and the Institute of
Physics at the Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald. The project
starts in June 2013 and runs for three years.
aims at consolidating the understanding of aerosol processes in the lower
stratosphere. The following scientific key aspects will be addressed:
- Examination of the dynamics and chemistry of stratospheric aerosol particles and their interaction with climate processes.
- Quantification of changes in the stratospheric aerosol load that is shielding the Earth from incoming solar radiation - that may play a significant role for the Earth's changing climate.
- Investigation of pathways transporting aerosols and their precursors from the troposphere into the stratosphere.
- Study the contributions from moderate volcanic eruptions and vegetation fires to the global stratospheric aerosol load, together with the anthropogenic contribution from the ongoing use of fossil fuels in emerging countries.
- Uncertainties associated with the application of solar radiation management methods to mitigate climate change.
Data from satellite observations will be used and evaluated with highly sophisticated aerosol models, interactively coupled to comprehensive chemistry and radiation schemes within global transport models.
It is envisaged to establish new climatologies of the observed aerosol extinction and the inferred size of aerosols for the operational SCIAMACHY period (2002 - 2012), which will be provieded to the international research community.
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Implementation of stratospheric aerosol extinction and particle size retrieval from SCIAMACHY solar occultation observations.
Improving stratospheric aerosol data product from SCIAMACHY limb-scatter observations with aerosol extinction and particle size retrievals from SCIAMACHY solar occultation measurements.
Implementation of stratospheric aerosol module in the existing CTM.
Data evaluation.