Welcome to the CAMS verification with IUP-UB SCIAMACHY/GOME-2/OMI observations
On these web pages, model results from the MACC / CAMS system for reactive gases are compared to independent observations from the SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 satellite instruments. The aim of the comparisons is to provide a quick verification check of the data stream to facilitate early detection of problems. It is not aimed at quantitative validation of the MACC / CAMS data products. The pages are updated on a quarterly basis throughout the project. For more information on the verification approach see the Verification Information webpage.
The SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 data products and comparisons are provided by the IUP Bremen and are completely independent from those data assimilated into the IFS / CIFS system as well as from the model data itself. More information on the data products are given on the webpage Verification Information.
To navigate these webpages, first select the species and the model run of interest on the top right. You can then pick a month to show a direct comparison of satellite and model data. You can also display time series of monthly averages over selected regions.
A detailed summary of the verification results is given in the three-monthly verification report which you can download via the menu to the right.