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new features in SCIATRAN 2.2

Discrete ordinate solver is now available in all observation modes including the spherical geometry.
The full set of weighting functions is now available in the spherical mode (if the discrete ordinate solver is used).
Clouds can be considered in limb viewing geometry (spherical shell clouds only).
The commercial NAG FORTRAN library was replaced by the GALAHAD library (see for details) which is freely available for "Academic'' use.

new features in SCIATRAN 2.1

A solar occultation mode is added alowing the modelling of the solar/lunar radiation transmitted through the Earth's atmosphere.
Retrieval block is included in the software package which can be used to derive a variety of atmospheric parameters from the measurement of the scattered or transmitted solar radiation. Note: some of retrieval modes require the NAG FORTRAN Library (commercial).
Multiple viewing angles and solar zenith angles are now allowed in the discrete ordniate mode.
A new adaptive altitude grid can be used in the discrete ordniate mode resulting in a substantial reduce of the calculation time without a considerable loss of the accuracy.
Aerosol extinction and absorption coefficients as well as asymmetry coefficients for aerosol phase function (Heyney-Greenstein type) can be specified manually.

new features in SCIATRAN 2.0

The program is written in FORTRAN 95.
Spherical mode added (can be used for solar zenith angles up to 98 deg). User can switch between the pseudo-spherical and the spherical mode.
All viewing geometries supported (nadir, off-nadir, zenith-sky, off-axis, limb).
Any observer position supported (TOA, BOA, any point within and above the atmosphere).
Field of view integration in spherical mode (at the moment for SCIAMACHY instrument in limb mode only).
Extended spectral region: 175 - 2400 nm.
Spectral data base for line absorbers (including c-k distribution scheme) is updated to HITRAN 2000.
Photochemically active species can be considered in spherical mode.
New radiative transfer core in pseudo-spherical mode (based on discrete-ordinates method).
Extremely fast quasi-asymptotical approach to calculate reflected radiance in a cloudy atmosphere within line-absorber (O2, H2O, etc.) spectral bands.
Linearization (weighting functions) with respect to trace gas concentrations in spherical mode and with respect to all atmospheric parameters (trace gas concentrations, pressure, temperature, Rayleigh scattering, aerosol and cloud parameters) in pseudo-spherical mode.
Incorporated retrieval block based on either Optimal Estimation or Information Operator approach (alternatively).
Parallel computation on SMP systems (Open MP standard).

SCIATRAN working group
Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)
Unversity of Bremen, Germany