University of Bremen IUP DOAS





PANDA Summer School

PANDA Summer School Bremen, August 24 - 28, 2015

      Panda                                                                                                                                                IUP                                                  

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The first PANDA / Marco Polo European Summer School took place from 23rd to 30 August 2015 at the Institute of Environmental Physics of the University Bremen in Bremen / Germany.

For accessing the lectures and student's presentations, a password is needed. If interested, please contact the organizer Dr. Annette Ladstädter Weißenmayer.



Lecturer Affiliation Lecture
Burrows, J. P. University Bremen Global Environmental Change and Climate Change: an introduction and motivation for the remote sensing of earth system composition and parameters (Lecture)
Shao, M. Peking University not available yet
Richter, A. University Bremen Satellite Remote Sensing 1: UV/vis observations of the troposphere (Lecture)
Coheur, P. Université Libre de Bruxelles Satellite Remote Sensing 2: IR observations of the troposphere (Lecture, Exercise, Solution)
Monks, P. University of Leicester Being "enterprising" with your science (Lecture)
Zhu, T. Peking University Air pollution in China: Scientific and Public Policy Challenges (Lecture)
Granier, C. LATMOS/IPSL, NOAA, MPI-M Emissions at the global scale (Lecture)
Zhang, Q. Tsinghua University Understanding anthropogenic emissions over China: Bottom-up estimates and top-down constraints (Lecture)
Brasseur, G. MPI-M, NOAA Atmospheric Modelling: An Introduction (Lecture, Exercise)
Gauss, M. Norwegian Meteorological Institute Model applications (Lecture)
Benedetti, A. ECMWF Data assimilation (Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3)
Stavrakou, J. Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Oxygenated volatile organic compounds constrained by satellite observations (Lecture, Exercise, Solution)
Mijling, B. Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute Emission estimation for short-lived gases (Lecture)

Student Presentations


Presenter Affiliation Presentation
Anand, J. University Leicester Inferring surface-level NO2 from satellite measurements (Talk)
Anderson, P. University of Strathclyde/Scotland Scottish Centre of Excellence in Satellite Applications (Talk)
Behrens, L. University of Bremen A UV NO2 DOAS retrieval for satellite data from GOME-2/MetOp-A (Poster)
Binietoglou, I. Research Center Bucharest/Romania A methodology for investigating dust model performance using synergistic EARLINET/AERONET dust concentration retrievals (Talk)
Bauwens, M. Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Top-down VOC emissions from OMI formaldehyde columns (Talk)
Bucci, S. Ferrara Uni, Italy Impact of different transport regimes on Planetary Boundary Layer and aerosol content variability over Western Mediterranean, summer 2012: the role of Po Valley (Talk)
Casquero Vera, J. University of Granada/Spain Long-term calibration of ceilometer Jenoptik-CHM 15k using an automatic and non-supervised Rayleigh fit (Poster)
Cesnulyte, V. Finish Meteorological Institute Comparing ECMWF UV Processor and aerosol scheme with ground-based measurements (Talk)
Dai, J. SESE-SYSU Effects of Urbanization on Weather Conditions in the Pearl River Delta region, China (Poster)
Di Giosia, S. LATMOS Study of pollution in Europe using satellite observations in conjunction with regional air quality models (Poster)
Ding, J. KNMI NOx emission estimates during 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing (Talk)
Doumbia, T. LATMOS Impact of CO and NO2 emission changes on atmospheric composition between 1980 and 2010 (Poster)
Frank, F. DLR Atmospheric methane and its isotopic composition in a changing climate: A modelling study (Talk)
Gao, J. Nanjing University NUIST Surface ozone source apportionment in a high ozone episode under frequently wind shifting conditions over the Yangtze River Delta, China during May 2013 (Poster)
Geng, G. Tsinghua University Estimating Long-term PM2.5 Concentrations in China using Satellite-Based Aerosol Optical Depth and a Chemical Transport Model (Poster)
Grocock, S. University Leicester Analysis and improvement of the spectroscopy fitting window for the space application of the novel CompAQS DOAS spectrometer (Poster)
Hou, X. Nanjing University NUIST Analysis of seasonal ozone budget in the boundary layer of the Asia-Pacific region (Poster)
Jia, J. University of Bremen The tropospheric ozone variation over Arabian sea: the importance of SCIAMACHY LNM tropospheric data improvement (Poster)
Kangah, K. Meteo France Nitrous oxide (N2O) retrieval from space (Talk)
Li, Ch. Princeton University Impacts of Air Pollution on Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Generation in China (Poster)
Li, M. Tsinghua University Satellite-based constraints on NOx emissions from anthropogenic area sources (Talk)
Li, Ca. MPI-Meteorology Hamburg Very High Resolution Chemical-turbulence Modelling (Poster)
Liu, Yi. SESE-SYSU Accessing the impact of sea-salt emissions on aerosol chemical formation and deposition over Pearl River Delta, China (Talk)
Liu, Yu. Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences A study of microphysical transition in water clouds over eastern China based on CloudSat and MODIS data (Talk)
Lorente Delgardo, A. Wageningen University/Netherlands Evaluation of radiative transfer models for reflectance and air mass factor calculations (Talk)
Mifka, B. Riejka/Croatia, school of Medicine PMF source apportionment of PM10 in the city of Rijeka, Croatia (Talk)
Ortiz Amezcua, P. University of Granada/Spain Monitoring of a long-range transported smoke event over Southern Spain (Poster)
Palacios Pena, L. University of Murcia/Spain Assessment Of The Radiative Feedbacks In An On-Line Coupled Model Over The Iberian Peninsula (Poster)
Razi, M. MPI-Chemistry Mainz Measurements of NO2 Emissions from Cities of Pakistan by using Car MAX- DOAS Observations (Talk)
Wang, L. IAPCAS The variability of biomass burning and its influence on regional aerosol properties during the wheat harvest season in North China (Talk)
White, J. University Leicester not available yet
Wu, F. Hefei Institute of Physical Science Observations of SO2 and NO2 in Beijing and surrounding area using mobile DOAS during the CAREBEIJING 2013 and HOPE J3 A field campaign (Poster)
Xu, X. Peking University An online system for observing the shape feature of the aerosol particles (Poster)
Xue, R. Peking University A New On-line Carbonaceous Aerosol Analyzer And Its Application (Poster)
Yu, Z. SCUEM An evaluation study of the environmental meteorology forecasting system for Eastern China (Poster)
Zara, M. Aristotle Univ. Thessaloniki Investigation of factors affecting the validation of satellite total ozone (Poster)
Zhang, T. Kings College Quantifying Emissions from Agricultural Burning in China (Poster)
Zhengchao, H. Peking University Characteristics of air pollutants over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region (Poster)


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