Prof. Mihalis Vrekoussis
Mihalis Vrekoussis is the leader of the LAMOS group.
Mihalis Vrekoussis is the leader of the LAMOS group.
Maria Kanakidou is holder of a U Bremen Excellence Chair. She is also a professor at the Environmental Chemical Process Laboratory (ECPL) at the University of Crete.
Nikos Daskalakis is a PostDoc in the LAMOS group, working mostly with the TM5 model.
Kun Qu is a PostDoc in the LAMOS group. He is working on regional air quality in China using models including TM4-ECPL and WRF-CMAQ.
Alex Poulidis is a PostDoc in the LAMOS group, working on pollutant dispersal modelling. In the past he has focused his research on atmospheric mechanisms that affect the transport and deposition of tephra. He uses various Eulerian and Lagrangian models including WRF, FLEXPART, and FALL3D.
Rasmus Nüß is a PostDoc in the LAMOS group. He is working on inverse modeling of greenhouse gas emissions using the TM5 model and TROPOMI satellite data.
André Seyler is a PostDoc in the LAMOS group. He is working for the Net4Cities project.
Simon Bittner is a PhD student in the LAMOS group. Together with the DOAS Group, he works on emissions of different origin by using the DOAS technique as well as regional chemical transport models.
Filothei Boufidou is a PhD candidate working in the LAMOS group. Her objective is to use satellite data in a data assimilation tool, with ultimate goal to optimize the nitrogen deposition calculations of the TM5-MP global chemistry and transport model.
Santiago Parraguez Cerda is a PhD. candidate working in the LAMOS group. He is studying greenhouse gas emissions using the TM5 model. His work focuses on inverse modelling of methane emissions over permafrost regions.
Sarah-Lena Seemann is a PhD in the LAMOS group. She is working on air quality studies using HERMES and TM5-MP. She successfully completed her MSc in the group using FLEXPART-WRF on CH4 emissions in in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin.
Yijuan Zhang is a PhD student in the LAMOS group. She is working on simulations of surface ozone in China.
Majaw Jeng is a MSc student in the LAMOS group. He is working on methane inversions using the TM5-4Dvar model.
Sandra Smit is the secretary of the LAMOS group.
Marius Dan is the system administrator of the group. He is taking care of our Aether HPC cluster.
Lia Adam did the Bachelor Thesis in the LAMOS group on estimating the emissions and transport of mineral dust from the Sahara desert to Cyprus using FLEXDUST and FLEXPART simulations.
A memorial website was dedicated in memory of our beloved colleague and friend Andreas Hilboll. For the list of publications Andreas Hilboll has written, please check his [Profile]
Sofía Gómez Maqueo was a MSc student in the LAMOS group. She was working on TM5-MP model, with a focus on the chemistry of CO and OH.
Nabir Mamnun was a Ph.D. student jointly affiliated with the LAMOS group and the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research. He was working on uncertainty quantification for biogeochemical models. His research focused on the uncertainties of model fields and parameters that control the behavior of an ocean biogeochemical model as well as developing ensemble data assimilation approach to extract reliable knowledge from the biogeochemical model uncertainty.
Ole Mentzel did the Bachelor Thesis in the LAMOS group on the identification of the source origin of an unknown pollutant in Hamburg using Lagrangian backward simulations (FLEXPART)
Mareike (click to reveal e-mail) was a student in the MSc program in Physics at the University of Bremen. She successfully defended her MSc called IMPACT: A new ground-based imaging DOAS instrument: Development, participation at the CINDI-2 campaign and first data analysis in June 2017.
Petra Renken was the secretary of the LAMOS group between 2016 and 2023.
Ruben Sousse Villa was a MSc student in the LAMOS group. He was working with the FLEXPART model, analyzing data from the AQABA ship campaign.
Medea Zanoli was a MSc student in the LAMOS group. She was working on assessing the impact of natural dust on air quality using the TM4 model.