IUP Carbon & Greenhouse Gas Group
This is the website of the "IUP Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Group" of the Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP) /
Institute of Remote Sensing (IFE) of the University of Bremen, Germany.
We are primarily interested in the atmospheric distribution and the (surface)
sources and sinks of the atmospheric gases carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and carbon monoxide (CO).
Our focus is on satellite data and their interpretation.
In particular, we are working on
retrieval algorithms to produce
scientific and operational data products from satellites (SCIAMACHY, GOSAT, GOSAT-2, OCO-2, S5P, PRISMA, EnMAP, ...) for various applications.
Another focus are aircraft data
and drones.
We are also working on future satellite missions such as the
planned European anthropogenic CO2 monitoring (CO2M) mission,
a constellation of satellites (planned launch: 2026/2027)
based on our CarbonSat concept.
See also
CarbonSat Concept from University of Bremen Realized by OHB
(or in German:
CarbonSat-Konzept der Universität Bremen wird von OHB realisiert)
ESA Realizes University of Bremen CarbonSat Concept
(or in German:
ESA realisiert CarbonSat-Konzept der Universität Bremen).
The purpose of this web site is to collect and make available
all information related to these activities.
We also contribute to or even maintain several other websites:
GHG-CCI project website: Provides information and access to
satellite-derived atmospheric CO2 and CH4 data products as generated in the framwork
of ESA's Climate Change Initiative (CCI).
Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS): We are generating satellite-derived CO2 and CH4 atmospheric data products for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).
Please visit the C3S CDS website for access to these data products and related information. Here the direct links to the
satellite-derived CO2 products
and to the
satellite-derived CH4 products.
EMMA XCO2 website (of M. Reuter): Ensemble Median Algoritm (EMMA) XCO2 website.
EMMA XCH4 website (of M. Reuter): Ensemble Median Algoritm (EMMA) XCH4 website.
FOCAL-OCO2 website (of M. Reuter):
OCO-2 XCO2 retrievals using the FOCAL algorithm.
GOSAT FOCAL XCO2 NRT system website (of S. Noel): Contains primarily information
related to our GOSAT FOCAL XCO2 retrievals including access to
the corresponding data products, which we generate, for example, in the framework of the European CAMS project since mid 2022.
GOSAT-2 FOCAL XCO2 NRT system website (of S. Noel): Contains primarily information
related to our GOSAT-2 FOCAL XCO2 retrievals including access to
the corresponding data products, which we generate, for example, in the framework of the European CAMS project since mid 2023.
Sentinel-5-Precursor (S5P) WFM-DOAS (WFMD) website (of O. Schneising):
Contains information on our S5P WFMD XCH4 and XCO data products.
Clim4Edu Projekt:
Handbuch mit Hintergrundinformationen,
Kurzvideos zu verschiedenen Aspekten des Klimawandels
und browserbasierte
interaktive Materialien
für Schulen zum Thema Klimawandel mit Fokus auf Satellitenbeobachtungen.
Here some links to past or internal websites:
SCIAMACHY WFM-DOAS (WFMD) website (of O. Schneising):
Contains information on our SCIAMACHY WFM-DOAS XCO2 and XCH4 data products and related informations.
SCIAMACHY BESD website (of M. Reuter): Contains information related to our
BESD algorithm SCIAMACHY XCO2 retrievals.
GOSAT BESD XCO2 NRT system website (of S. Noel and M. Reuter): Contains primarily information
related to our GOSAT BESD XCO2 retrievals including access to
the corresponding data products which we generated in the framework of the European CAMS project until mid 2022.
CarbonSat website (of M. Buchwitz):
Contains information on our CarbonSat mission as prosed to ESA for Earth Explorer 8.
C3S website (of M. Buchwitz):
Only project internal.
Here some figures from our contribution to the Copernicus European State of the Climate 2023 (ESOTC 2023)
Climate Indicators section published on 22-April-2024:
Satellite-derived monthly XCO2 (top) and corresponding annual growth rates (bottom):
Satellite-derived monthly XCH4 (top) and corresponding annual growth rates (bottom):
Timeseries and maps of satellite-derived XCO2 retrieved from SCIAMACHY (until 2012), GOSAT (since 2009), OCO-2 (since 2014) and GOSAT-2 (since 2019) radiance spectra. As can be seen, atmospheric CO2 concentrations are
increasing despite world-wide efforts to reduce fossil fuel related CO2 emissions.
Timeseries and maps of satellite-derived XCH4 retrieved from SCIAMACHY (until 2012), GOSAT (since 2009) and GOSAT-2 (since 2019) radiance spectra. As can be seen, atmospheric CH4 concentrations are
increasing since 2007.
A global map of satellite-derived XCH4 retrieved from TROPOMI onboard the Sentinel-5-Presursor (S5P) satellite. The underlying data can be otained from the
University of Bremen TROPOMI/S5P WFMD website as Level 2 (non-gridded) product.
The data have been generated using a retrieval algorithm developed in the framework of the
ESA GHG-CCI project:
The figure is also available as GeoTIFF file.
Data Privacy
Last modification: 8-Aug-2024
Author: Michael.Buchwitz@iup.physik.uni-bremen.de