Seminar Ocean, Ice and Atmosphere
Summer Semester 2025

Responsible Professors: Hartmut Bösch, John P. Burrows, Justus Notholt,
Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, Monika Rhein, Mihalis Vrekoussis

Tuesday 12:15
Building NW1, Room S1360 / Zoom

No. Date Speaker Topic Host Format
1 08.04.25 - Preliminary Discussion in person
2 15.04.25 Max Ringel (IUP) tba AG Spreen in person
3 22.04.25
4 29.04.25 Nils Moosdorf (ZMT) tba AG Rhein in person
5 06.05.25
6 13.05.25
7 20.05.25
8 27.05.25
9 03.06.25
10 10.06.25 Linxin Zhang (IUP) tba AG Spreen in person
11 17.06.25
12 24.06.25
13 01.07.25
14 08.07.25 Gholamali Hoshyaripour (KIT) tba AG Vrekoussis in person

For the seminar on Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere (SemPca), click here

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Contact Person


Janna Rückert,

Last update:



