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Midhun, George

Midhun George

Group at IUP:
Current Position:
M.Sc. (Tech)
Research Interest:
in situ measurement of atmospheric trace gas species, Atmospheric physics and Optical instrumentation.
Research Career:
Ph.D student at IUP from 2015 march on wards.
Research assistant at AOI group, NIT caicut, India.
Selected Publications:
"George, M., Andrés Hernández, M. D., Nenakhov, V., Liu, Y., and Burrows, J. P.: Airborne measurement of peroxy radicals using chemical amplification coupled with cavity ring-down spectroscopy: the PeRCEAS instrument, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 2577–2600,, 2020."

"Suhail, K., George, M., Chandran, S., Varm, R., Venables, D. S., Wang, M., Chen, J.: Open path incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced measurements of NO3 radical and aerosol extinction in the North China Plain, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 208, 24-31,, 2018."

"George, M., Andrés Hernández, M. D., Nenakhov, V., Liu, Y., and Burrows, J. P.: Airborne measurement of peroxy radicals using chemical amplification coupled with cavity ring-down spectroscopy: the PeRCEAS instrument, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 2577–2600,, 2020."
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