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(Peroxy Radical MEasurement based on Optical Feedback CaVity Enhanced AbsOrption Spectroscopy and ChemicaL ConVERsion and Amplification and NO2 measurement based on an OF-CEAS system).

Scientific objectives

REVOLVER proposed the development of a new high sensitive NO2 detector for the airborne measurement of peroxy radicals, the overall scientific objective being their determination at the low concentrations expected in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UT/LS). In that context, the project focused on the development of the PerCEAS (Peroxy radical Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectrometers) instrument taking into account the scientific and the technical requirements for the deployment in HALO in the framework of the first demonstration mission (OMO: Oxidation Mechanism Observations), initially planned for summer 2009.

Main related activities are:

  • Design and construction of the PerCEAS instrument including NO2 detector and chemical reactor. Participation in the first HALO integration exercise
  • Testing and development of the detection method in the laboratory in order to achieve the high sensitivity required
  • Participation in the certification process of the instrument. Collaboration with Enviscope for the design and certification of a adequate pylon compatible with the PerCEAS reactor and HALO safety requirements
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