Radicals in Euphore. In the frame of the European project EU-IALSI: Improvements and Access to a Large SImulation Chamber. In cooperation with CEAM and partly funded by the Institute of Chemistry and Dynamics of the Geosphere of the FZJ-Jülich.
Scientific objectives: TROLAS participated in a measurement campaign in EUPHORE taking place in Valencia, Spain in 2004. Main subject of investigation of this IALSI experiment was the photochemistry of formaldehyde and the ozonolysis of different alkenes, with special focus on the OH/HO2 and HO2/RO2 radical yields.
In that context, the series of measurements of radicals obtained by the IUP-UB-PeRCA were analysed and compared with the experimental results of other groups using LIF (Laser Induced Fluorescence), and MIESR (Matrix Isolation and Electron Spin Resonance) techniques.

- CEAM http://portales.gva.es/ceam/
- FZJ-Jülich www.fz-juelich.de/icg/icg-2/index.php?index=92
- University Leeds www.chem.leeds.ac.uk/Atmospheric/Field/fage/fage.html
Relevant Publications
- Kartal, D. : Peroxy radical measurements under controlled conditions and further investigation of pressure dependence of PERCA for airborne measurements, Master thesis, University of Bremen, IUP, FB1, 2004