Aerosols 99

In cooperation with the Department of Atmospheric and oceanic science of the University of Maryland

Scientific objectives: An overview of the objectives of the AEROSOLS99 is provided elsewhere. Within AEROSOLS99 , TROLAS investigated the current understanding of the photochemical behavior of RO2* by studying the photochemistry in the air masses encountered during the measurement campaign on board the American research vessel Ronald H. Brown. Peroxy radicals were continuously measured from the 18.01.1999 to the 8.02.1999 over the Atlantic Ocean, and from the 12.02.1999 to the 20.02.1999 over the Southern Indian Ocean. These data were compared with previous measurements over the Atlantic Ocean, taken within the ALBATROSS project.
Relevant Publications
- Andrés Hernández, M.D., Burkert, J., Reichert, L., Stöbener, D. , Meyer- Arnek, J., and Burrows, J.P., Dickerson, R.R. ,and Doddridge. B.: Marine boundary layer peroxy radical chemistry during the AEROSOLS99 campaign: measurements and analysis, .Journal of Geophys. Res, 106, D18, 20, 833-20,846, 2001.